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Lily's Pov
So its Monday, i wake up by my alarm going off, its 5:30am.. I quickly turnn off the alarm, kiss Cody, & head downstairs, make coffee, start to make breakfast.. 🥞🍳. Im exhausted, but i have to start waking up earlier, so Cody's principal doesnt kill me, the next time we are late.. Im in my own thoughts, thinking about seeing my parents, that was weird. I miss them. I hope they are proud of me.. i start to pray. I say " mom & dad, i hope your proud of me, raising cody, being in high school, going to college after..". After i said that.. i heard Frimzy come downstairs, yawning, i jumped.. i turned around, i just sighed, asked how long he was there? YoU praying,😄. He says with a smile.. Then everyone came down, Flower & Rosa ... i say good morning.. they it back.. i hear cody yelling, screaming... i put my coffee on the counter, run to the room, see cody crying, i run to he's side,, say cody, you were having a nightmare.. plzs dont cry... we got to get ready for school, come on.. calm. Down.. Im not good with kids crying.. i run downstairs to Rosa & Frimzy.. i tell them what happened, Rosa says she got this.. Rosa went upstairs, came out 5 minutes later.. with cody in her arms.. stops at the button step... cody runs to me. Crying.. says he's sorry.. i look @ Rosa, ask her what happened? How she make him stop crying? Now he is running around the table, chasing Flower... ha💙. Rosa says she promised that cody could lick the 🥞 mix.. 🤦🏻‍♀️. Urgh I totally forgot that's Cody's fave thing to do💙😂.. i just sit down, feeling dizzy.. i see frimzy look at me, worried.. I quickly.. try to get up, make the 🥞🍳.. as i was in the kitchen, i started to feel dizzy, i have to take my medicine, but i dont want to at the same time.(stubbornness).😜. So then i was making 🥞🍳 for everyone, they all thanked me, then Rosa toke over, made me sit down next to Frimzy.. i just sighed 😪.

Frimzy _i see Lily make 🍳🥞. I start to get her medicine, inhaler, wait for her to be done. My mom went to tell her to go sit down next to me.. i just smiled. I gave lily her stuff, i was looking at her, waiting for her to take it.. then she just got up, started running to her room, i was sitting there for a few minutes... i ran after her, i heard her throwing up, in the bathroom... i knock on the door, i could hear her yelling "cody go downstairs eat your breakfast..." 🤢🤢.. i walk in, i go to her in the bathroom, she is throwing up so much, kinda disgusting, but i had to be there for her, i grab her hair, glasses, i just kneed down, i was behind her, saying, "Lily its ok. Just let it out, you're going to be ok. Just relax.. its me Frimzy.." when i said its me, she looked up, giving me the puppy eyes, then she just passed out.. fall down, i hold her, i put her in the bed, cleaned her mouth. I placed her under the covers, I kissed her forehead, went downstairs. Told my mom what happened... she said we could stay home for today... so yeah im taking care of lily 💙.

Lily _ I'm throwing my guts up. Its hurting so much.. i cant stop it, i hear a knock on the door, i yell "cody get ready for school, hurry up." Then i hear Frimzy, he is behind me, grabbed my glasses, grabbed my hair, rubbing my back. Im throwing up some blood, i just look up, slowly... trying not to throw up on the floor, i see Frimzy, he's smiling, trying to help, but i just dont feel good.. i just passed out.. the last thing I remember that Frimzy gave me a kiss on my forehead, i passed out💙

At the hospital
Frimzy takes lily to the hospital, with a change of clothes, Frimzy is in the waiting room, waiting on the doctor... the doctor comes out..

Doc_ she is doing better. If youu didnt bring her in, she wouldn't have made it. We have found a huge blood cot in her lungs, she has a serve disease that is attacking her body..
Frimzy _ so she is ok? What now? Can i see her?
Doc_yes, she is asking for you

Frimzy's Pov
Frimzy walks to the room, see's lily with stuff down her throat, ivy in her arm, she is shaking, eyes closed, crying.. turned away, towards the window..it's raining.. I decided to closed the window curtains.. i walk to the seat, I slowly say, helloo lily. How are you? You ok? I grab her hands, she isn't looking at me.. staring at me hands again, lost soul tattoo.. ❤️

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