💙Birthday Girl💙

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Lily's Pov
Lily wakes up, with flower jumping on her bed.. Flowers yelling & giggling, cody is awake, joins in the fun.. Then their is a knock on the door, its Frimzy... Frimzy comes in, with roses & a giant 🐻.. why you ask? Cause its Lily's birthday.. she is officially 20! 💙 Then rosa comes in to rescue lily, takes flower & cody. Rosa gets 🥞🍳 ready. Extra 🥞🥞 for lily. Meanwhile Lily's in her bed, not wanting to move, Lily's under the covers, hiding from the bright light coming from the window, she hears Frimzy talking.. blah blah lily thought... Cant i have 20 more minutes Lily ask? Frimzy says come on lily, its 7:30am already... Birthday Girl 💙

Lily's 20 today! Yeahh!!💙💙
Lily finally gets up, sits up, covers over her chest, looks for her glasses, feels them being put on... (Frimzy). Frimzy bends over, lightly puts my glasses on my face, he kisses my forehead, says "happy birthday princess". Lily just blushes ❤️😊🙈.

Frimzy & Lily get ready for the day. Grab the note on the table, get going to school. They drive, they park in the parking lot...

Lily _ Im kinda excited that I'm with Frimzy. He's my best friend, he's my only one... i care for. Im walking to my locker, put stuff away. Grabs my p.e. outfit.. i close my locker, i look at Frimzy, he's just staring at me.. 😊. I smile, i try to be happy.. but all of sudden i start to cry, i just slide down the lockers, put my hands over my face, i just bring my knees to my chest, start to shake... cant stop shaking, freezing... Then I feel Frimzy grab My arms, pull me into a huge hug... I just cry harder, its gunna be hard for me, cause its my birthday, & i have no parents... Ive gotta be strong for Cody.... i just start to cry harder.. i hear people laughing at me, as they walk to their classroom... i just cover my ears🙉..

Frimzy _ I see Lily's sliding down the lockers, crying, bringing her knees to her chest, covering her ears...
I must make lily happy.. i go into my locker, open it & see a small gift.. i close my locker... i bend down..
I get eyes level to lily, who's still crying, covering her ears... i just rub her back, i place a hand on her leg, (to say its ok). I just wait, everyone goes to class... Lily & I are the only ones out near our lockers...  So i just grab Lily's hands off her ears, i say softly, lily here a small gift for you.. i hand it to her.. smiling..
I see she grabs it slowly, she looks up & smiles, tears coming down her face still... i cupp her face, i say dont cry lily, its your birthday.. i wipe the tears away..
I say i love you lily.❤️ i see the brown eyes i love looking at.. she just nods... i watch her open the gift❤️❤️..

Lily _ Im just crying onto Frimzy's shirt, im so emotional today.. i cant believe its been a year since my parents died. I hear Frimzy talking, im not paying attention, I suddenly get a box in front of me.. Im looking up at Frimzy, confused... i say what's that for Frimzy? He says, its one of your birthday gifts. Open it, lily..  I open it, its a lock it, necklace. It's beautiful.. i just look at Frimzy smile. He puts it on me.  Then we get up, head to class.. 🙂

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