Frimzys House

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Frimzy's Pov

At home
Frimzy looks at the drawings Eva drew, he thinks. Woah! She is amazing. Maybe Lilly & Eva can be on my team together?

Frimzy _ you guys want to be part of my team? Im started to do my own clothing line.. he smiles to lily & Eva.. 🙂

Eva_ ohh of course Frimzy.. anything for you.. Eva starts to get all flirtty & shit.. (making Lilly a little jealous).

Eva _ i say I have to go home.. so she will meet Frimzy & Lilly at school..


Lily_ i hear Frimzy & Eva talking.. so then eva like jumping all over Frimzy... (did i miss something? What is going on with them? Lily thought.) Then i just turn away, go to the kitchen.... get a glass of water... i just grab a glass, fill it up with water, go upstairs to my room.. i want to be alone.. i just sit on my bed, try to relax.. a long day... Then i hear a little knock....

Frimzy_ hey eva, can you draw me up more pictures ? Im going to get a glass of water.. il be back in a few minutes .... I get up from the coach, i walk to the kitchen, i see Lilly sitting down at the breakfast table, i grab a glass of water, sit down next to Lilly... Lilly are you ok? Is there something i missed?? I look at her, i seee she is looking at my hands... my lost soul tattoo...

Lily _ Im just sitting at the breakfast table, just trying to relax.. I try to stand up, but everything does dark, the last thing i saw was Frimzy❤️.

Frimzy picks up lily, & heads to the hospital....

2 hours*
Doc_ Theirs is something you need to know.. frimzy. Come with me.. they walk to Lilly's

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