Chapter One- Put your tie on!

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"Sherlock!" Mycroft opened the door, glaring at the 'sleeping' form of his little brother. "I know you're not asleep. Get up. You have school today!" He left, slamming the door behind him. Sherlock groaned.

He threw back the covers, heaving himself out of bed and throwing his uniform on- a plain white shirt, black school trousers and shiny black shoes. His backpack lay abandoned in a corner of his cluttered bedroom, its contents spilling onto the floor. The boy stuffed them back into his bag, ticking off a mental checklist as he went. Pencil case? Check. Revision guides? Check. Notebook?

Sherlock paused, crystalline blue eyes scanning the room for the book's plain black cover. He found the book after much rifling through the papers on his desk. The leather bound book was filled by thick, creamy pages, the first ten or so covered in his scrawling handwriting. A thick black pen lay next to it. He put it into his bag almost reverently. Running a hand through his curly hair, he grabbed his suitcase, slung the backpack over his shoulder and stomped downstairs.

His parents were sat at the dining table, eating breakfast. Mycroft was reading the newspaper, an empty plate next to him, but, judging he spotless it was, he probably hadn't eaten amything. His mother looked up, smiling warmly.

"Ah, hello Sherlock! Excited for school?" she asked. Sherlock rolled his eyes and slouched into a chair, dumping his bags on the floor next to his chair.

"Not in the least," he mumbled. "Everyone at school are so stupid! They're all so slow!" Mycroft snorted, earning a glare from Sherlock.

"What?" Mycroft asked innocently.

"What was that noise you did?" Sherlock demanded.

"That, brother mine, is called laughing. You do it when you find something funny," Mycroft explained.

"Yes, I know that. Why did you do it?" Sherlock snapped.

"Sherlock, if you think everyone's slow, imagine what it must be like for me," Mycroft sighed. "It's like they're hardly moving at all!"

"Sherlock, sweetie," their mother interjected before an argument could be started. "Aren't you going to eat anything?"

"I'm not hungry," Sherlock answered, picking his nails. Their mum frowned.

"You have to eat something. It's unhealthy to skip breakfast. You're skinny enough as it is!" she scolded. Mycroft put down the newspaper.

"I have to agree with mummy," he said. "You must eat something."

"You haven't eaten anything."

"I still have an hour before I have to leave. You, however, do not."

"I'm not hungry!" Sherlock emphasised. He glanced at the clock and stood up, grabbing his suitcase. "I'm going to be late for school."

"Your tie, Sherlock," their father pointed out, speaking for the first time that morning. "You need to put your tie on." For a brief second Sherlock pondered asking how his father knew he wasn't wearing it without looking up, but decided against it

"I'll do it in the car," he responded, showing them the tie that he'd wedged into his pocket.

"Put it on now," their father instructed.

"I don't have time, father," Sherlock objected. "I can do it in the-"

"I said put it on now!" their father shouted. Sherlock rolled his eyes, pulling his deep blue tie from his pocket and putting it on before ambling out the house and into the backseat of their black car. He slammed the door shut, sighing.

"Where to, Sir?" the chauffeur asked politely. Sherlock settled back in his seat.

"The School for Wayward Children."

A/N: Hey guys! Chapter One, whoop whoop! Watcha think? I know Sherlock's parents in the show aren't like that, but I thought I could put in a back story. Please vote, comment etc. Love you guys xxx

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