Chapter Sixteen- Mrs Fergus

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The single word caused such an impact on the room it might almost have been funny, if not for the severity of the situation. Gabriel glanced up before putting the phone on speaker, and took a deep breath.

"Hello. Who am I speaking to?" he asked in his most polite voice.

"Rowena Fergus," the Scottish voice now held an accusatory tone. "Who are you?" Dean's eyes widened.

"Fergus! Like the kid who drowned!" he exclaimed. There was a sharp gasp on the other end of the phone and Dean winced. Amy rolled her eyes.

"Wow, Dean. Just wow," she looked done, like she just wanted to leave and never come back. "So subtle."

"What do you know about Crowley?" the woman- Rowena- demanded. Her voice was shaky.

"Mrs Fergus?" Cas's soft voice murmured soothingly. "We'd just like to know some details."

"And who are you, exactly?" Rowena asked. Cas hesitated.

"My name is... Jimmy. Jimmy Novak. I'm writing an article on the School for Wayward Children for a local newspaper," he answered confidently. "Perhaps you've heard of me?"

"No..." Rowena still sounded unsure, but was definitely less hostile. The Doctor sent Cas a thumbs up, and Anna ruffled his hair. He waved her hands away, blushing, but he seemed pleased nonetheless. "Why do you want to know about... about Crowley?" Cas glanced at his friends for help, but was given none. He bit his lip.

"I... er... You didn't hear? A pupil was assaulted at Trenzalore Peak by a figure in black," he stuttered out. Rowena gasped again.

"Trenzalore Peak? But that's where Crowley... where he... where they found him. They found a black glove! Surely it can't be the same person!" she exclaimed, the horror in her voice obvious. Sam grabbed a notepad and began scribbling down notes. "Are they okay?"

"Don't worry, they're perfectly fine. But, a black glove, you say? That's certainly... interesting," Cas stalled. He was clearly running out of things to say, but no one else had any ideas either.

"Oh, thank God!" Rowena sighed in relief. "I have to go- I have an appointment at the opticians, I'm afraid. Perhaps you could call another time?"

"Just one last thing!" Dean cut in. "Where was Crowley buried?"

"Where was he what?" Rowena screeched. "Who the hell are you?"

"I'm... Dylan... Marley. I work with... Jimmy. It's just one of those weird routine questions we have to ask," Dean lied smoothly.

"That's a strange question," Rowena concluded. "But, I suppose... He's buried in Crossroads Cemetery. Now, I must go. Goodbye." She hung up quickly, as though a prolonged chat might upset her further. Gabriel grinned.

"Who fancies a day trip to Crossroads Cemetery?"

A/N: sorry this took so long! But here you go. Present. Please vote, comment etc. Love you guys xxx

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