Chapter Twenty- Ghosts and Visions

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"Extremophiles are creatures that have adapted to live in extreme conditions. Some live in volcanoes, while others live in ice. They each have their own characteristics..."

Hannah's voice faded out of focus as Gabriel's pen moved across his exercise book. The blank page was now covered in lines and smudges, an amazing piece of artwork created by a single black Biro. Sherlock stared up at him, light reflecting off his eyes, his ever present smirk ghosting his lips. It was an uncanny picture, but it didn't help the pain.

"Mr Novak?" Gabriel snapped the book shut, looking up to meet his teacher's gentle brown eyes. It was strange that the teachers insisted to be called by their first names, but Gabriel didn't argue. He didn't care.


"What is an amoeba?"

"A single celled organism with no nucleus," the trickster replied. Hannah smiled, nodding, and turned to write the definition on the board. Her chocolate ringlets swung round her face, and when she turned back round, a sad smile graced her lips. Gabriel frowned, a sudden stab of pain jarring his brain. The sight had given him a sense of déjà vu, but the notion was gone as soon as it came, leaving him bewildered. He looked across the room, catching Dean's eye. The American was white as a sheet- he'd felt it too. What the hell was that?


"Let's go, let's go!"

Sam sped up, sprinting round the track at breakneck speed, Cas matching step for step. They were evenly matched, both intent on winning, even though it wasn't officially a race. It wasn't even about the victory. When they ran, they didn't have to think. When they ran, Sherlock's pale face didn't haunt them. When they ran, they were happy. The finish lone loomed ahead, and both put on an extra spurt of speed.

"Damn, boys. I've never seen first years move so fast!" their Physical Education teacher, Rufus, strode over to them. "That was pretty impressive, you should try out for track this year!" The boys grinned, not even out of breath, and waited as the others caught up.

"The hell was that?" the first one over grinned at them. "You both looked so intense, it was actually hilarious!" She laughed, her mirth trailing off as she saw the shocked look Cas was giving her. "What?"

"Nothing! I just... do I know you?" he stuttered.

"Not that I know of."

"Huh." He had a pounding headache and, after Jo jogged over to meet her friends, he turned to tell Sam so. But, by the looks of things, he already knew.

"Jo Harvelle," he muttered. Cas's eyes widened. The name had flashed through his mind only seconds before. Something strange was happening.


"Don't forget your homework! I want an essay on the themes of Macbeth by next Monday!" Balthazar called as his class was leaving for lunch. "Handwritten!" Collective groans filled the room. Balthazar laughed. "I know, I know. I'm an evil teacher."

Amy, Rory and the Doctor quickly stuffed their things into their bags, desperate to be out if the classroom. They managed to bag a table together- with Anna, of course. The Doctor disappeared from view, hurrying ahead to get them a table in the cafeteria, since there weren't enough for everyone. The redheaded American was staring intently at Balthazar, eyes narrowed. Rory raised an eyebrow. He nudged Amy.

"Looks like Anna has a thing for Balthazar!" he grinned. Amy laughed, Anna's head snapping up.

"I most certainly do not!" she exclaimed. "I just..." She trailed off, unable to explain. Rory sniggered.

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