Chapter Two- Raggedy Man

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"Amy! Rory!" The Doctor grinned, running through the carpark towards his friends.

"Hey Doctor!" Amy pulled him into a bone-crushing hug then stepped back to scrutinise him. "You've grown!"

"You're taller than me now!" Rory said disappointedly. The other two laughed.

"You two ready for school?" the Doctor asked.

"Yup," Amy replied, popping the 'p'. Rory nodded, lifting his suitcase.

"Let's get them in the car," the Doctor turned and strode towards his bright blue car. He opened the trunk and they packed their suitcases into it. The Doctor leant against the car.

"How's home life been?" he inquired. Amy rolled her eyes.

"My aunt has been so overprotective. She's doesn't want me to go to ANY parties. I'm meant to spend all my free time revising!" she complained. Rory laughed.

"My dad said the opposite! He said I need to have MORE of a social life!" he sniggered. Amy punched his arm, making Rory yelp.

"The guys back home aren't too fussed about me. Not as long as I get good grades!" the Doctor grinned.

"Do you know who's in our dorm this year?" Rory asked. The Doctor shrugged as Amy rifled through her pockets. She pulled out a square of paper and unfolded it.

"Block 1B dorms are as follows: Room 20 are Dean Winchester and Gabriel Novak. Room 21 are Sherlock Holmes and a new kid, John Watson-" the boys burst into fits of laughter.

"A new kid's been paired with Sherlock Holmes?" Rory gasped, clutching his sides. Amy grinned, trying to suppress her laughter. "Poor bastard!"

"Oh, that's priceless!" the Doctor wiped a tear from his eye. "What are the other pairings?" Amy looked back down at the sheet.

"Room 22 are Sam Winchester and Castiel Novak. Room 23 are me and Rory. Sorry Doctor!" Amy glanced at her friend apologetically. He shrugged. Rory read over Amy's shoulder.

"You'll only be next door," he said. "Room 24, the Doctor and Anna Novak." The Doctor nodded as Amy glanced at her watch.

"Wait, three Novaks?" Rory exclaimed, eyebrows raised. The Doctor shrugged.

"They're a big family," he answered. Amy looked up.

"We should probably head off now," she informed them, and they all climbed into the car.

The Doctor started the car and, after flashing a grin at his friends, drove into the horizon.

A/N: Yay! Chapter Two! What do you guys think? I'd love to hear from you! Love ya xxx

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