Chapter Twenty Three- My Lord

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I know, my Lord. I am sorry, my Lord, I... of course, my Lord. I understand completely.

It appears that the pathetic creatures who call themselves the 'Unity' have found some way to contact the elder Winchester. No, no, my Lord. You need not to get involved. I will handle it.

The Shadowmen? But, my Lord, surely they are too messy for a situation like this? This requires a delicate hand- no, my Lord. I would never question your decisions. You are all knowing.

Thank you, my Lord. I will not fail this time. I shall succeed. 'Team Free Will' will fall, and with it, the world. And after this Earth, my Lord, you shall rule the universe, as is your right.

I will dispose of this Unity. I will rid you of the Winchesters' and their pet angel, the Doctor and his pet humans, and that Watson child. I will prove a loyal servant.

I have but one question, my Lord.

When I have disposed of our enemies, what would you have me do next?

A/N: I know, short and crappy. But I have had SEVERE writers block. And then I had an idea.

"When I have disposed of our enemies, what would you have me do next?"

Wherein I let you, the readers, decide the VILLAIN'S next move.

I can't wait to see what you guys come up with- is it murder, mystery, or a hint of romance (me tryna be dramatic lol)

See you guys soon xxxxx

A/A/N: still got no replies, so that's still open until I put up the next chapter

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