Chapter Twenty Six- Understandings and Explainations

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"The British one grabbed them. She's explaining everything."

"Good. Any word from Meg?"

"She's in, but doesn't know how long it'll take for Joanna's magic to snap her back. I think we should have someone close by to offer medical aid- her mind'll be frazzled from the spells."

"Get your mother on it. "

"As you command, ma'am."

"Don't take that tone with me. I don't have time for your bullshit. I've lost too much for this to fall apart now."

"You're not still going on about that brat, are you? Whoa now, easy on hunter. You can put that knife away. What happened to us all being unified?"

"Get. Out. Get out before I kill you."

"You humans. So quick to anger."



"So... this is an alternate dimension?" John reiterated, staring incredulously at the "counsellor". Anna knew her face mirrored his disbelief. What Missy was telling them just didn't seem possible.


"And we're not actually school kids?" John continued.

"Nope." Missy shrugged, stretching languorously on her black leather sofa. "I know it's a lot for your mortal minds to take in, so do take a minute." She waved her hand. "But not too long. We have work to do."

"Work? What kinda work?" Sam leaned forwards, his intelligent eyes sparkling with interest. Despite the situation, Anna had to suppress a laugh. Even when being told that everything they think is true is just a warped reality, Sam's curiosity refused to abate. Not all the others were so positive though. John was gaping at Missy, eyes dull as he tried to comprehend Missy's words. Dean was sitting very still, almost as though restricting movement would increase brain activity. Cas was fairing slightly better, narrowing his eyes as he tuned the facts over in his head. The Amy and Rory were doing the best, though. They didn't seem fazed by the revelation at all, and that's what they seemed most confused about. The Doctor just stood around as though waiting for them to catch up.

"Well, we've got to find a way to get you out of here for starters. Any ideas, May?" Missy threw her arm over the back of the sofa, completely at ease. Rory frowned.

"Who's May?" he asked, his eyes darting around the room as though expecting someone to peel out the walls. Meg sighed, rolling her eyes and sliding off the table.

"It's Meg, you idiot. How many times do I have to tell you that?" she glared disgustedly at Missy, the taller woman shrugging her shoulders carelessly. "I'm gonna let the others on the upside know. I probably won't come back."

"Hold up! You're just going to, what, abandon me with these dimwits?" Missy shrieked, sitting up as Meg pulled out a pen. The girl grinned evilly, rolling up her sleeve to reveal a strange symbol.

"You'll be fine. There are others you can ask for help."

"That's not the point! You're the only tolerable one! No! You can't-" Missy gasped as Meg drew a line through the symbol in biro, effectively crossing it out. There was a flash of golden light, and the girl had disappeared. Missy screamed. "You bitch!"

"Where did she go? Is she okay?" Cas looked horrified, is head whipping round as he searched the room for any sign of her. He fixed his eyes on Missy. "Tell me where she is. Now." His voice became deeper, more menacing. Missy hesitated, and for the briefest moment Anna could swear there was a glimmer of fear in her eyes. It was fine as soon as it came, her face smoothing back into its usual petulant expression.

"She's fine, angel. Nothing to worry about," she muttered. Anna frowned. Angel?

"We're not human," she announced. "We're not, are we?"

"No, you're not. And neither am I. I'm a timelord, like the Doctor over there. You're an angel."

"Yes. And so is Cas. And Gabriel. And Balthazar. And Meg is a demon." She didn't know where this information was coming from, but she couldn't stop, it just tumbled from her mouth.

"Wait up- I'm a what?" Gabriel shrieked. Anna jumped. He was stood next to Cas, but she could swear-

"You weren't there a second ago!" Cas gasped. "Where did you come from?" Gabriel stared at Cas as though he were an idiot.

"The cafeteria."

"But you weren't here!"

"No, I was in the cafeteria."

"Then how did you get here so fast?"

"I flew." Gabriel froze, eyes widening. "I flew! Oh shit! I'm an angel!" He clapped his hands over his mouth, then started giggling. "I'm an angel! Oh my god I'm awesome! And I'm not just an angel, am I? I'm a frigging archangel! Holy fuck!" He cackled, throwing himself on the sofa. "You are all weak! Puny humans..." He trailed off, still giggling.

"Well there goes his sanity."


A/N: I don't quite know what happened at the end there, but there we go. Quite a slow paragraph, so apologies. Necessary though, for explanations and shit.

Question of the Week:

This time, you get to ask ME any question you want.

Anything you want, ask away. Anyways, love you guys, as always. You're the best. See you in the next chapter 😘

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