Chapter Six- The School

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The school was very impressive, it had to be said. Tall, stone walls, ornate bronze gates, turrets in the four corners of the building. In most senses of the word, it was a castle. It even had a river lazily winding its way down the right aide of the school, coalescing into a large lake. Several wooden piers extended into the river, a variety of Worden boats bobbing beside them, moored with rope.

As the Doctor pulled into the gravel drive, the car fell into silence, all conversation dying away as they gazed at their new home in awe. A bronze plaque on the wall announced their destination: the School for Wayward Children.

"It's beautiful..." Amy breathed, while Rory nodded mutely. The Doctor smiled, glad his friends would be happy here. He parked the car, expertly manoeuvering the faulty car into a space, and they climbed out, their shoes crunching on the multicoloured gravel beneath them.

Rolling green hills encompassed them, like an acrylic painting. Trees dotted the grounds, varying shades of red and orange and gold, rich colours that hinted at the coming of autumn.

"Wow..." Rory murmured, eyes wide. "You reckon they have WiFi?" Amy and the Doctor sent Rory a withering look. Rory shrugged.

"Let's just get our dorm keys," Amy rolled her eyes, heading towards the main building. The foyer was massive, with a gilded dome ceiling high above. A staircase ran up one side, the landing connecting to a dark wooden hallway. A desk stood before them, a woman with chocolate and caramel hair typing at an old fashioned computer. She looked up and smiled as they approached it.

"Welcome to Wayward Manor!" she greeted them. "How can I help you?"

"Could we have our dorm keys?" the Doctor asked, the woman's smile widening as he spoke.

"Of course! I just need your names," she turned to the computer expectantly.

"I'm the Doctor, this is Amy Pond, and this is Rory Williams," the Doctor gestured. The woman started typing, the computer whirring to life and spitting out several sheets of paper that revealed themselves to be timetables. The woman handed them their keys and timetables.

"Amelia and Rory are in 231B, and you are in 241B," the woman  smiled. "Have a nice stay!" They thanked her and headed up the stairs, turning into block 1B.

"201B, 211B, 221B..." Rory counted the numbers, eventually stopping before his door. "Here we are. See you later, Doctor!" he waved and went inside, Amy following. The Doctor entered his own room, shutting the door behind him.

A girl was laying on her bed, reading a book. She had ginger hair, not quite as vibrant as Amy's, and blue eyes. She turned to look at him, smiling slightly.

"Hi, I'm-"

"Anna, I know," the Doctor cut her off. She raised her eyebrows. "I saw the room arrangements before. I'm the Doctor."

"Nice to meet you, Doctor," she stretched. "We have a couple of days off to explore the school and stuff. I'm going down to lunch in a minute. Wanna come with?" The Doctor nodded vigorously. He threw his bags on the bed and they left, heading down to the main hall.

A/N: woohoo! Chapter six! What do you guys think? Would love to hear from you! Suggestions are used! Love you guys xxx

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