Chapter Fifteen- the Phone Number

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Amy sat with her back to the wall. She was alone, except for her four unconscious friends. Rory had gone to find help, and, although she'd wanted to go too,  she agreed that someone should stay behind.

The door burst open, and John exploded dramatically into the room, followed more demurely by Sherlock, who was using the wall to hold him up. Amy opened her mouth, about to ask whether Sherlock was fit enough to be out of bed, but his glare silenced her. She stood up instead.

"What..." John trailed off, staring at his sleeping friends in disbelief. He knelt beside the Doctor and shook him. Nothing. Sherlock was looking at them thoughtfully, but quickly schooled his expression into indifference when he saw Amy looking.

"They just... collapsed," he murmured. Amy just nodded dumbly.

"Told you so," Rory said from the doorway. "They didn't believe me."

"Did they say anything before they collapsed?" Sherlock pressed. Rory snorted.

"You could say that," he muttered. Amy shot him a quelling glare, similar to the one Sherlock had sent her way moments before.

"Well... Sam, Dean and Cas were talking about poltergeists. Something about iron, salt, a rifle and some bones. Then they kind of went all still, and the Doctor said something like 'electricity dam'-"

"Bioelectricity block," Rory corrected her.

"Yeah, that was it. Then he said it was like he'd forgotten something important, Cas shouted "angels", and they all collapsed. It was pretty weird," Amy finished. Sherlock nodded, as if it made sense, while John just gaped.

"What the hell-"

A loud yelp cut him off, making Amy scream. She blushed, looking over at the Doctor, who had just woken up.

"Why am I on the floor?" he asked, standing and brushing himself off.

"Yeah," Dean agreed. "What's that all about?" He helped up Sam, and then Cas.

"Well.." Amy glanced at the others, a silent agreement passing between them. "Nothing. The lights just went out and you guys fell over. John and Sherlock were looking for us." Dean frowned.

"We just... fell over?" he repeated, glancing at Sam, who shrugged. Cas's eyes were narrowed, watching them suspiciously.

Amy glanced at Rory. He nodded, a little too enthusiastically. Cas looked about to say something, but they were saved from explaining by Sherlock's coughing fit. He hunched over, hand over his mouth, his thin frame shaking. John held him up as his legs buckled.

"Maybe you should see the nurse..." John mused. Sherlock shook his head, sliding down the wall until he was sitting cross legged on the cold floor.

"I'm fine," he mumbled. "Just a little tired."

"Yeah, seems like," Dean said sarcastically. "Come on, let's get you back to bed." He leant over and helped Sherlock up, slinging his arm round his shoulders and heading towards the door. The others followed.


"There you go..." Dean grunted, easing Sherlock into his bed. The black haired boy smiled gratefully, his head flopping back onto the pillow. Dean pulled the covers up.

"Night, robot," he grinned.

"Night," Sherlock smiled, seconds before his eyes closed and his breathing regulated. He was asleep.

Dean crept out, softly shutting the door behind him. He padded down the hallway towards his own room. Sherlock had been remarkably light, and therefore easy to support up the stairs. Unlike Sam, who was short and muscular, Sherlock was tall and wiry, so they weighed about the same.

Dean pushed open the mahogany door to his room, stepping inside. John and Amy were sat on Dean's bed, Gabriel, Anna and Castiel on Gabriel's. The Doctor and Rory sat on the floor.

"How long did you wanna take?" Gabriel whined. Dean rolled his eyes, plonking himself in between John and Amy. The Doctor kicked the door shut.

"Sherlock?" John enquired.


Dean thought it was nice how John and Sherlock were so close. It was clear from the way that people looked at Sherlock he wasn't very popular, so it must been a change for him to have a friend.

"So, Gabe, any leads on the Man in Black?" Anna turned to Gabriel. Her brother nodded, grinning slyly.

"Yes," he pulled something out of his pocket and flourishing it in the air. It was a crumpled piece of paper. He straightened it out, revealing a phone number scrawled onto it. "I found it where the Man in Black was stood."

"What do we do with it?" Sam asked, eyebrows furrowed.

"It's obvious, isn't it?" the Doctor answered. "It's a phone number. We phone it."

A/N: yay! Another chapter for you lovely lot! Who do you think the phone number belongs to? Love to hear what you think, even if I've already got more chapters. Please vote, comment etc. Love you guys xxx

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