Chapter Twenty Eight- Further Introductions

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"Where are we going?"

Sam glanced at his brother. Dean had always wanted to know exactly what was happening. He'd always been cautious, always protected him, though Sam never knew why. The boy in the front didn't answer, keeping his eyes on the road. For an underage kid, he drove surprisingly well, zooming down the road at 90 miles an hour.

"Hey! Where are we going?" Dean repeated, glaring at him. They were sat right at the front, so they had a clear view of the road. They appeared to be headed towards the mountains, a small range in a circular shape, with a plateau suspended in the middle. "Why are we going to the mountains?"

"This mountain range is called Lucifer's Cage, cause of the way the mountains seem to cage in the plateau," the boy explained.

"Okay, but why are we going there?" Dean persisted. The boy rolled his eyes as if the answer was obvious, and Sam suddenly realised that it was.

"The gravestone," he murmured. Then, louder as Dean turned to stare at him. "Crowley's gravestone. It said something like 'I will go with God, but will stay in Hell.' Lucifer is an angel, so he's 'with God', but he also stays in Hell. Plus, that's his cage. Lucifer was caged in Hell. The inscription was telling us to go to the mountains." Dean gaped at him as they began up the mountain path.

"How the hell'd you manage to figure that out?"

"Cas did," Gabriel piped up from behind them. "He went to the mountains almost immediately, remember?"

"Well damn. I guess I'm just a noob," Dean sighed. They boy looked at him, laughing.

"I haven't heard anyone be called a noob since I was-"

"Look out!" Amy screamed from behind them. They whipped their heads back to the road, the boy yanking the steering wheel as they headed straight towards a figure stood in the middle of the road. The minivan jerked, and Sam found himself thrown from his seat and through the windshield. For the briefest second he saw the figure up close, had time to register Man in Black before he hit the ground and everything went dark.


Sherlock frowned. His entire body ached, and his seatbelt was digging into him painfully. His ears were ringing, a high pitched noise that didn't help his headache. His eyes fluttered open reluctantly.

The minivan was on its side, the windshield and most of the windows shattered. John was on the floor- side?- next to him, bruised but already coming to. Amy and Rory were both still in their seats, having buckled themselves in, the Doctor stood beside them. Rory was rubbing his neck- whiplash, Sherlock surmised- but they didn't seem otherwise harmed. Gabriel was still out, his head lolling to the side as Anna gently shook him. The boy was easing himself out the driver's seat. Dean was already leaping to his feet. Sam was nowhere to be found.

"Is everyone alright?" the boy asked. Anna shook her head.

"I'm fine, but Gabriel's still-"

"Sammy?!" Dean roared. He threw himself through the windshield, and Sherlock could hear his feet slapping concrete as he sprinted away from the minivan.

"Are you alright?" It was John, easing the buckle of Sherlock's seatbelt and steadying him as he landed on the floor. His head felt fuzzy, and there was something warm trickling down his temple. He reached a hand up lazily to touch it, surprised to see his fingers stained red. Why would they be red?

Hands gently gripping his chin turned his head to the side, John examining his temple as though it were something to take note of. It took Sherlock a moment to realise John's lips were moving, and that meant he was probably talking. Which meant he should probably listen.

"Sherlock?" John shook him slightly. The taller boy whined, clutching his head to stop his brain bouncing around his skull. John sighed. "I think you have a concussion. It's not too bad, though." John turned his head. The others were slowly clambering towards the windshield. Rory had picked Gabriel up, as he still hadn't come to, and wasn't likely to anytime soon with the blood coating his face. John tugged at his arm, Sherlock following obediently as they climbed out the windshield.

"Get away from him!" Dean shouted. His arm was extended, holding a wickedly serrated knife with runes engraved on the side. He was pointing it at the Man in Black.

The Man had Sam in a chokehold, a knife pressed to his throat. The scene gave Sherlock such an intense feeling of de ja vu that he felt as though he'd been electrocuted, though he wasn't sure why. Maybe it was because of what happened with Cas at Trenzalore Peak... that just didn't sound right though.

"Let him go!" Dean yelled again. He looked calm, though Sherlock could see his fear in the tightness of his shoulders, the ever so slight shaking of the knife. Sherlock wasn't surprised. It was scary enough seeing your baby brother held at knifepoint, but Sam looked terrible- probably because of his trip through the windshield. His shaggy hair was tangled and matted to his head with blood. His hand clutched his side where blood coated it. His eyelids were dropping dangerously. "I said let him go, Joanna!" Sherlock saw Rory mouth to Amy. Who's Joanna? The Man laughed.

"You think I'm Joanna? Do I look like a woman to you?" he laughed. "No, I'm not Joanna."

"Who are you then?" Sherlock called. The Man turned to him. His eyes, visible through his mask, seemed to turn almost reverent as he regarded Sherlock. Then, in one swift motion, he reached up and pulled his mask off. Dead black eyes set in a pale face, black hair. Sherlock felt a twinge if horror, and, looking at John, could see he felt it too. They knew him. He didn't know how, but they knew.

"My name, Sherlock. You really don't remember it?" the Man fixed his eyes on him.

"I'm afraid not," Sherlock answered. The Man smiled, his lifeless eyes making him look remarkable like a shark.

"My name is Jim Moriarty."

A/N: can it be? Surely not! It can't be... three updates?! I'm amazing, I know. Who guessed the Man in Black's identity? Anyone?

(Third) Question of the Week:

Who would you have made the Man in Black to be?

You won't be getting another update this week I'm afraid. I have a million other stories to update. I'll see y'all in the next chapter 😘

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