Chapter Eighteen- Crossroads Cemetery

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"Well, this is delightful," Gabriel muttered sarcastically. He kicked a pebble, sending it skittering down the road and into a drain. "This place looks abandoned. Less like a cemetery, more like a plague pit!" Dean laughed humorlessly.

"Yeah, it doesn't look good," he peered at the gravestones. "That Crowley guy's should be about... here." He gestured to a written stone, the letters barely readable. Sam crouched for a closer look.

"Crowley Fergus, 1970-1987. The Demon King," he read.

"The hell? The Demon King?" Dean exclaimed, joining Sam. "That's messed up."

"There's a note," Gabriel picked up the square of paper. "I will go with God, but will stay in Hell. Not is all as it seems. Don't trust anyone, and you will go far. Pay attention. Squirrel, Moose, don't be your usual idiotic selves."

"Right..." Dean muttered. Cas murmured under his breath. "What?"

"I know where to go," the blue-eyed boy declared. He stood, turning to face a mountain range in the distance, and quickly starting to walk towards it. The others jogged to catch up.

"Hold up! Where are we going?" Gabriel asked.

"I will go with God, but will stay in Hell. Not is all as it seems. Don't trust anyone, and you will go far. Pay attention. Squirrel, Moose, don't be your usual idiotic selves," his brother repeated, rolling his eyes as if it were obvious.

"And that tells us where we're going because..." Dean prompted. Cas just made an 'ugh' noise and hurried up. Sam sniggered, obviously having figured it out, and quickened his step to keep pace with his friend. Dean glanced at Gabriel incredulously, the two boys following their younger brothers.

"No, wait!" Gabriel protested. "It's getting late, and school starts tomorrow. We'll have to do this some other time." They didn't want to admit it, but he was right, so they turned and made their way back to the school.


A virus and a disease are two different things. A virus is caused by-

"John..." the name was spoken as a soft groan, John's head snapping up as his black-haired friend slowly regained consciousness. He sat up, closing the book with a thud and gently dropping onto Sherlock's bed.

"Hey, Sherlock. How you feeling?" he asked softly, pressing his hand against Sherlock's forehead. "You're boiling! I'm going to get the nurse. This has gone on for long enough!" He stood up, but Sherlock's hand grabbed him with a surprising strength for his weakened state.

"No, don't," he begged. John frowned.

"Why?" he inquired. Sherlock scowled, dropping his hand back onto the bed.

"I ha... hate nurs... nurses," he muttered. "They're incom... incompe... tent fools, comple... tely unable to make a corre.... correct diagnosis, and even if... they do they... have... they... they... they have... no idea how to... to-" He cut off, succumbing to a violent coughing fit. John grabbed the glass of water from his desk and sat his friend up, holding the glass to Sherlock's lips. The cool water seemed to soothe the coughing, and Sherlock sunk back onto the bed again. "I don't feel so... so... so good."

"I know, mate. I know," John murmured, standing and replacing the glass. He checked his phone for messages- there were none- and sighed, turning back to Sherlock. "I don't know what's taking them so long. They should have... Sherlock?"

He stared at Sherlock, unable to comprehend what he was seeing. The raven haired boy was no longer moving, sharp blue eyes now dull and glazed over. The room was silent but for the rise and fall of John's breath, a movement Sherlock didn't reciprocate. A horrified wail passed John's lips as he fell to his knees, finally understanding what had happened, why his friend wasn't breathing. Sherlock Holmes was dead.

A/N: sorry this took so long! I hope it's worth it anyways. What do you think of my cliffhanger?????? What do you think will happen? Comment and see! Show you love this by voting!!! Yes, I'm talking to YOU!!!!! As always, please don't forget to vote, comment etc. Love you guys xxx

Live long and prosper  ✴💫🌟🌠✨

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