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"What do we do now??"

"We carry on. It's what he would have wanted."

"What he would have wanted? He'd have wanted to live."


"No!" Dean slammed his glass down on the table. "No, Sam. After everything we've lost, all the sacrifices we've paid. Jo, Ellen, Bobby. Dad. And now Cas. I- I can't. I just... I can't." Sam stared at his brother.

"You think I'm not hurting? Cas was my friend too, Dean. No- he was my brother. He was practically Jack's father. And Meg? Gabriel? All those others out there who cared about him? You're not alone in this. We're not alone."

"Just... give me some space, yeah?" Dean murmured. Sam hesitated. "Just go. I need- I need... space." Sam nodded, getting to his feet and heading out the door.


"What now?" John's voice was barely above a murmur. Sam had gone to see Dean, leaving the rest of them slumped round the library table.

"I don't know..." Sherlock murmured back. His eyes were downcast, he looked miserable- as did everyone else. "I don't know what there is for us to do."

"I'll tell you," Gabriel's eyes were hard. "We fight. We fight whatever fucking monster had Joanna put us in that alternate fucking dimension. We fight it, and we tear its fucking head off." Amy winced.

"Gabriel, could you lay off the swearing? There's a child here," she gestured to Jack, who barely seemed to have heard her.

"He's got a point, though. Joanna wasn't working alone. I could sense something else, something... darker."

"I agree," Meg stabbed the table with her angel blade. "I'd really like a fight right about now."

General nods of ascension rolled round the table.

"It's decided then," Gabriel declared. He put his hand in the middle of the table. "We kill the bastard. For Cas."

"For Cas," Jack put his hand over Gabriel's.

"For Cas," Amy added her hand, everyone in the room joining in, linking themselves. John nodded, meeting their eyes, seeing his own burning rage and sorrow and grief reflected in each one.

"For Cas."

A/N: that's it folks. The end. Except it's not. Third book out soon. I'll let you guys know when I've started it etc.

Please leave comments. I would love to know what you guys thought. I'll see you in the next book.

Stay frosty ❄️

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