Chapter Eleven- It's Just a Chill

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The two haploid cells then repeat this process. This is called

John groaned in frustration, his head falling back and hitting the headboard with a muffled thump. He shut the medical book with a snap and dropped it into his bedside table, rubbing the bump on his head. He rolled onto his side.

"Sherlock?" he called, peering at his roommate. Sherlock appeared to be sleeping, his pale face turned towards John, a blanket tucked round his shivering form, wet hair pasted to his forehead. John sighed.

When they'd returned from the woods, Gabriel had whisked Cas away to get dried and warmed up, Anna close behind them. Amy, Rory and the Doctor had bid them goodnight before retiring to their rooms. Sam and Dean had made sure Sherlock was okay before they, too, left.

Sherlock had dried himself and changed into warm pyjamas, but was still shaking uncontrollably. John bit his lip, worried he had a chill. It was possible, if the water was cold enough.

"Sherlock?" John called again. Sherlock's eyes fluttered open.

"John?" he mumbled, eyes clouded with exhausted. "What's wrong? Did I miss school?" John frowned.

"What are you talking about? School doesn't start for a few days yet," he said slowly. Comprehension dawned in Sherlock's eyes and he groaned.

"Then why are you waking me up?" he moaned, pulling the covers over his head.

"I think you have a chill," John answered, standing up and leaning over Sherlock. The taller boy shrank back as John placed a hand on his burning forehead. John rubbed his eyes tiredly.

"It's just one thing after the other," he sighed. "You have a fever." Sherlock rolled his eyes.

"I'm perfectly fine, John," he muttered. "I'll just wear an extra coat."

"Maybe you should just stay in bed," John mused. Sherlock closed his eyes.

"No, I could just... make... a..." Sherlock trailed off, his body relaxing as sleep overcame him. John smiled slightly, gently pulling the blanket to his chin and brushing his wet hair off his face so he stayed dry.

"Goodnight, Sherlock," he whispered, climbing into his own bed and turning the light off.

A/N: SPECIAL HALLOWEEN UPDATE!!!!! Just because I love you guys. Did you guys do anything? I got dressed up as a zombie school girl. The blood has stained though. Not sure how I'm gonna explain that at school XD Love you guys xxx

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