Chapter Four- Nightmares

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"Gabriel!" Cas screamed, terror etched onto his features as he sank underwater again. He reached for the surface, but disappeared in a cloud of bubbles. Another boy dove into the water, racing after Cas.

"Cas!" Gabriel screamed, the word ripped out of his throat as he sprinted to the edge of the lake. The rocks ended abruptly, the deep water shimmering just below it. Gabriel strained towards the water's edge, but a pair of strong arms caught him and held him back.

"Sherlock is already down there. You'll just get in his way," a voice hissed in his ear, but Gabriel didn't care. The other boy resurfaced, black hair plastered to his forehead, but Cas wasn't with him. He gasped for air, and dove back under.

"No..." Gabriel whispered. "Please..." Terror consumed him, and he fought against the grip holding him away from the water, away from Cas. The grip didn't loosen, and Gabriel stopped struggling as the boy reappeared, this time supporting his little brother.

Gabriel exhaled, but his relief was short lived when he saw how still Cas was. The boy dragged himself up onto the rocks, pulling Cas up with him. Gabriel broke free of the arms and sprinted over, falling to his knees beside his brother.

"Cas?" Cas's eyes were closed as Gabriel rolled him over, water drenching him. His lips were slightly blue, his fingers a bone white that seemed unnatural against the sun darkened stone beneath them. Gabriel pressed his ear against his brother's limp form, panic bubbling inside him as Cas's chest didn't rise and he diddn't hear a heartbeat. Gabriel's pulse hiccupped, and he sobbed.

"Cas... Cas, no! Wake up! Please wake up! Please!" he cried, clutching his little brother's soaking body to his chest, shaking when Cas didn't stir. He heard sobbing in the background, felt someone grabbing his shoulder, but he didn't care. He was meant to protect Cas, look after him. But he hadn't. He'd failed him.

A boy knelt next to him, emerald green eyes full of pain. "Gabriel, look at me!" he said, but Gabriel barely heard him. "Gabriel! Gabriel!"

"Gabriel!" Gabriel sat up with a gasp, startling Castiel. Cas was standing next to him, concern written across his features.

"Are you okay?" he asked, retracting his hand from Gabriel's shoulder. He was already dressed in his school uniform- plain shirt, black trousers and blue tie. Cas was also wearing his trademark trenchcoat. Gabriel cast a quick glance over his little brother. No water, no deathly pallor, no tears. Gabriel laughed.

"I'm fine," he grinned. "Why wouldn't I be?" Cas looked unconvinced, but didn't say anything.

"You need to get ready. You were meant to be up an hour ago. We're leaving in five minutes," was all he said before he turned and left, shutting the door behind him. Gabriel sighed, passing a hand over his head. It was just a dream. Just a dream. Maybe a scary, heart wrenching one, but it was still just a dream.

He pulled on his new school uniform, getting his bags ready in record time. He grabbed a plastic zippo bag off his dresser and, grabbing his bags, sprinted downstairs. He shoved his bags into the boot of Michael's car, before climbing in next to his sister, Anna. Lucifer was whistling tunelessly in the front passenger sear. Anna kicked Lucifer's seat.

"Put on some music!" she yelled, cheering when ACDC blared through the speakers. Gabriel sighed. This was going to be a long trip.

A/N: what? Two updates in one day?! Surely not! But there it is!  😮  Hope you enjoy. Don't forget to vote, comment etc. Love you guys xxx

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