Chapter Twenty Five- Strange Conversations

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"Sam? You've been hours! I need to shower!" The Doctor yelled through the bathroom door, raising his voice to be heard over the running water. He turned, rolling his eyes, and slouched onto his bed.

Legs crossed, arms crossed behind his head, he gazed up at the ceiling, following the swirls in the wood with his eyes. If he unfocused his gaze, he could almost see patterns in the wood, shapes and faces, symbols and words.

There was a bear, and, next to it, a dancing man. And just in the corner, over there, was a box, a rectangle with a little light on top, and that light was glowing, and the box was wheezing, and it was getting bigger, and closer, it was coming out the ceiling towards him, like some kind of vessel, or a space ship, or a TARDIS-

The Doctor sat up like he'd been electrified, his eyes like saucers. Because he knew. He knew where he was. He knew who he was.

He remembered.


"I'm telling you! Darth Vader could have beaten the Emperor easily!" Dean protested.

"Then how come he died doing it?" Gabriel questioned.

"To boost the ratings! Duh!" Dean answered, rolling his eyes. Gabriel scoffed.

"That's utter crap and you know it!" he retorted. "You just can't face the fact that the Emperor is harder than-"

Dean grabbed his arm, cutting him off with a yelp. The taller boy was frowning, confused.

"Did you just have intense de ja vu? Or is that just me?"

Gabriel thought for a moment. "Just you. You're probably still weird from your little sleep." Dean blushed.

"Will you stop with that? I passed out. Get over it."

"Whoa, boy. I was just having fun. Didn't realise you were so tetchy."

Dean glared at him. "I am not tetchy."

"Er, yeah you are." Gabriel opened his KitKat. "Tetchy." He snapped the bar in half. "Tetchy." He bit the end off. "Tetchy." Dean hissed.

"If you don't shut the hell up this gonna get bloody, bloody, bloody."

"No need for violence, man. Don't get tetchy."

Dean raised his fist. "I swear to God-"

"Angels!" The Doctor cut off Dean's threat, running over to their table and standing before them excitedly. "It was the angels!" Dean and Gabriel glanced at each other.

"You okay, doc?" Gabriel asked, mildly concerned.

"Of course I am! I remember! I remember everything!" The Doctor looked like a madman, his eyes gleaming, a lunatic grin splashed across his face. "I thought it was aliens, but it was the angels!" Dean gulped.

"That's real nice, doc. It's good to know you're a true believer. Why don't you get some food?" he tried to smile reassuringly. The Doctor just shook his head.

"I'm not hungry. Can you believe that? Me, not hungry!" he laughed, then his face fell. "But that's not the point."

"Right," Gabriel nodded. "Angels."

"Exactly. We need to get home before the Weeping Angels take over. The others are probably looking for us."


"Jay, Chuck, Amara, Sherlock," the Doctors puppy dog eyes met Gabriel's, "Meg."


"Yes, she's probably looking for us too."

"I'm not looking for you anymore," Meg appeared seemingly out of nowhere, a smirk painted across her face. "I've found you." The Doctor grinned, pulling Meg into a crushing hug.

"Meg!" he turned to the two befuddled men still sat at the table. "Look, guys! It's Meg!"

"Meg?" Dean stared, glancing at Gabriel strangely. "Gabriel's Meg?"

"What do you mean by that, Dean-o?" Meg asked, one eyebrow raised.

"Just that Gabriel keeps talking about you," the boy replied. Gabriel turned red, his blush spreading to his cheeks as Meg laughed.

"I think your brother would have something to say about that."

Gabriel frowned. "My broth- Cas? What does he have to do with this- you. With you?"

"Everything," Meg answered lowly, seductively. She dropped a heavy wink before turning and sauntering away.

"What. The fuck."

"Hey!" the Doctor swatted Dean's arm. "Watch your language!"

"Don't be such a prude, Doc."

The Doctor's retort was cut off as a very shaky, very pale Sam lowered himself into a seat at the table. Dean was immediately on high alert, his eyes dark as he scanned Sam for any injuries.

"Sammy?" he murmured, still eyeing him critically. "What's wrong?"

"Blood woman in the shower," his brother muttered, grabbing one of Dean's chips and biting the end off gloomily. "Tried to rip my heart out."

"What is with everyone today?" Gabriel moaned. "You've all gone mad!"

"They're not mad."

A hand clamping down on his shoulder made Gabriel squeak, twisting in his seat to see Missy's glittering eyes. John, Amy, Rory and Anna stood awkwardly behind her, Meg lounging on a nearby table. She held up a napkin- the same napkin that was supposed to be in Sam's bag, with the Unity symbol scrawled on it.

"I think it's time I opened your eyes."

A/N: yasssss! I finally updated!!!!!

Question of the Week:

Who do you think the Unity is?

Hint: you'll only get it if you've read the previous book.

Bye for now xxx

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