Chapter Eight- the Man Dressed in Black

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During their exploring, they found a small farm, a swimming pool, a sports hall and a small wood. They were hanging around in the woods when there was the sound of snapping twigs behind them. Sam and Dean stiffened slightly, changing to a fighting stance, then looked confused.

"Could you physically walk any louder?" an irritated voice snapped. Sherlock emerged from behind a tree. "Do you want to get caught?" Amy frowned.

"What do you mean 'get caught'?" she asked. Sherlock raised an eyebrow.

"Book of school rules, page 38 paragraph 2B- students are not permitted to enter the forest as  it leads off bounds. Any students found doing so shall receive multiple detentions," he recited.

"Multiple detentions?" Rory repeated.

"How did you remember that?" John gaped at Sherlock. Sherlock rolled his eyes.

"I have a photographic memory," he sighed, looking mildly unimpressed.

"If you're so worried about getting caught, then why are you here?" Gabriel asked, leaning against the tree and sucking on a red lollipop. Sherlock raised his eyebrows as if it were obvious.

"I have no desire to conform to ridiculous school rules, and detentions don't scare me," he answered. The Doctor grinned.

"Me neither!" he laughed, striding ahead. He walked round a large boulder, disappearing from sight.

"Where are we going?" John called as they hurried to keep up. The Doctor didn't answer, but there was a strange scuffling noise and a muffled thump. Sam and Dean once again looked uneasy, and Castiel huddled against Anna. Amy and Rory hurried ahead, gasping and dropping out of view. The others sprinted towards him.

"Amy?" Anna called. "Rory?" They rounded the boulder. Before them the sandy rocks surrounded a glittering lake, the path before them winding down towards a sandy alcove. The Doctor was sprawled on a ledge under them, Amy shaking his shoulder. They all rushed ahead, except Gabriel, who was staring white faced with horror at the scene before him.

The Doctor groaned and sat up, rubbing his head. His hand came away stained red.

"Ouch," he muttered feebly. Rory  grimaced.

"What happened?" he asked. The Doctor shook his head, wincing at the movement. "I don't know. I rounded the border and then- Gabriel? Are you okay?" he broke off, watching Gabriel with concern. The others turned towards him, and Anna frowned. Gabriel snapped out of his reverie.

"Cas," he muttered. Then, louder, "Cas?" He scanned the group, but the blue eyed boy was nowhere to be found. A throaty chuckle caused them to look up.

Standing above them was a figure dressed all in black. Castiel was caught in his tight grasp, quivering slightly and watching them with fear.

"I'd have thought you'd take better care of your little brother," the stranger announced, a strange accent colouring his words. He pushed Castiel forwards slightly, to the edge of the cliff, and Cas whimpered slightly, clinging to the stranger's grip. Gabriel stepped back slightly.

"Please, he can't swim," he pleaded. The stranger laughed again. He shoved Cas off the rocks, the small boy tumbling into the water with a terrified scream.

A/N: This was a really short chapter, so sorry for that. This and the next one were originally one chapter, but it was way too long, so yeah. Please vote, comment etc. Love you guys xxx

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