Chapter Twenty Seven- the Sky is Glitching

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"This is so messed up. I want to go home."

"I know, Rory." Amy smiled sympathetically. "It's a lot to sort out. I'm still confused."

"No, you're not," Rory replied gloomily. "And neither am I. That's the worst part. She explained, and I thought 'hey, that makes sense'. But it doesn't. Not one bit." Amy nodded. She'd had the same feeling.

"Did you see the symbol Meg drew?" Sam called from the sofa. After Meg had disappeared, Missy had run off to fetch someone, leaving them all to process and relax in their comfortable little room.

"I didn't get all of it," the Doctor sighed from where he was perched on the table. Cas narrowed his eyes, plucking a biro from Sam's pocket. He sketched on his arm.

"It looked kinda like... this?" he continued doodling, then, satisfied with the result, drew a long line across it like Meg had done. The glass on the table shattered, a high-pitched whine filling the room, then he was suddenly gone. Dean leapt up from his chair.

"Cas!" he yelled, horror clouding his features. Amy felt rooted to the spot. Where Cas had stood was a scorch mark on the floor, the shadow of wings burnt onto the wall behind. Gabriel sat up abruptly.

"Are you kidding me?" The archangel stood up, moving to stand where Cas had done. "Did he just kill himself? I swear to god, if he's dead, I'm gonna-"

"He's not dead," Anna muttered. "Even I can sense that."

"Then where is he?"

"Probably where Meg went." Sam shrugged as all eyes turned to him. "It makes sense. Same symbol, same story."

"Ssssh!" The Doctor suddenly froze, finger to his lips. "Do you hear that?"

Silence filled the room as everyone strained their ears. Amy heard nothing except their breathing. She said as much, the Doctor nodding his head.

"Exactly. Where have all the other children gone?"

Amy froze. He was right. A second ago, she could hear people conversing outside their window, hear cars rumbling faintly in the distance. Now there was nothing.

She stood, creeping slightly to the window. The place was lifeless. No breeze ruffled the trees. It was as if the world had given up. She looked up, and her heart dropped to her stomach. The sky was glitching. The sky was glitching.

"Guys," she choked out. "The sky is glitching."

"What the hell do you mean 'glitching'?" Dean demanded. The others just stared at her.

"You know how sometimes you're watching TV, and then it flashes black and gets those weird purple and green stripes?" They nodded. "Well, it's like that." They crowded round the window, watching in horror as the sky sparked and fizzled.

"Why is this happening?" Rory whispered.

"Probably because you're no longer under the illusion that this is all real. It's breaking down the world," Sherlock answered from beside John. They all nodded. The Doctor narrowed his eyes pensively.

Amy gasped, whipping her head round to stare. "Sherlock?!"

He grinned slightly. John stared at him, then launched himself forwards and threw his arms round Sherlock. Amy was still in disbelief, her eyes scrutinising him; she couldn't believe he was really, actually here.

"But... how?" the Doctor asked, then hastily added, "Not that I'm not pleased to see you."

"Quite simple, really," Sherlock answered, extracting himself from John's crushing embrace. "When Cas catapulted himself from this world, we used the energy and tiny tear in reality he made to slip me back in."

"Cas?" Gabriel perked up. "He's okay?"

"He's fine. He's on his way back now, actually."

"Which is why you need to get going."

The new voice came from behind them. They turned around to see a boy with tousled blonde hair. He was wearing a blue and grey plaid shirt with ripped skinny jeans. He leant casually against the door. He couldn't have been more than fifteen.

"I know you." Sam stated from his chair. "I bumped you with my bag. But you looked... younger. Maybe ten."

"The world works in mysterious ways," the boy shrugged. "Especially this one."

"You were saying we needed to go?" Rory asked. The boy nodded.

"That's right. This world is crumbling. We need to get you out of it." He turned round and stepped out the door, calling over his shoulder, "You coming or not?"

They quickly followed him, down corridors, stairs, eventually reaching Trenzalore Peak. The water before them had turned to stone, six strange angel statues scattered across its surface. The boy flinched back.

"Shit," he muttered. "They're faster than I thought."

"Don't worry. We got you." Balthazar emerged from the woods, Missy, Mr Smith, Martha, Hannah and Rufus stood behind him. "Get them out of here."

The boy nodded, and the strange group headed down. They each stood in front of an angel and stared, unblinking.

"Let's go," the boy called, running down the slope at breakneck speed. Amy sprinted after him without hesitation, sensing his urgency to evade the statues. She could hear the others behind her, panting. At the other side of the lake was a beat up minivan, which the boy scrambled into, climbing into the driver's seat. As Amy followed him in, she heard a sound like stone grinding on stone, then a horrible scream. More cries followed. The boy looked sad as he shut the door, and, as he drove away, Any could swear she saw one of the statues suddenly appear at the rim of the lake. And next to it, the Man in Black.

A/N: what? 2 chapter in one week? Surely not! But it is!

What do we think? The story is nearing its end- but don't worry, a third book will follow (and maybe even a fourth).

(Second) Question of the Week:

How do you think this story will end?

All wacky theories are welcome. I'm genuinely interested to see what you guys think. Can't wait to hear from you. Love you guys xxx

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