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"I think that I'm going to say... no. I don't want to date you again." I stated.

Taehyung seemed disappointed. I felt a piece of my heart shatter as his face fell.

"But we can still be friends. I just don't know if I feel the same way anymore after all this... and if a few months from now I feel different and want to be with you again, then so be it. But right now, that's how I feel, and I don't want to leave you waiting for so long." I explained.

"It's okay, I get it... I should have expected that a bit more, but that's fine." He said quickly, trying to make it seem like he was okay. I could tell that he was upset.

"Honestly, this was my first relationship... and to see it go that badly... that was just really crazy, and I'm not sure if any other relationships are usually this way." I added.

"Same here. I don't think I'll date anyone else for a while..." Taehyung replied.

"But we should get to class-"

"Wait." Taehyung interrupted. "Can we have one last kiss before we go?"

I hesitated for a second, but then nodded. It wasn't that I didn't still have a place for him in my heart, but I just wasn't ready to be with him right now.

I looked into his eyes, and then leaned in quickly. Our lips locked, and Taehyung wrapped his hand around the back of my head.

It started off small, but as we became desperate for more the kiss got quicker and more passionate. My fingers intertwined with his hair, and his soft lips seemed desperate for more.

But I quickly became aware of the situation, and pulled away. We were at school, we shouldn't go any further than that.

I looked into his eyes once again. "I just want to say that it's not that I don't forgive you... believe me, I do, it wasn't really all your fault." I started.

"But the reason I don't want to be with you is because of what you do to me."

I quickly left Taehyung after that, heading to class. I didn't want to just leave him there, but I had to... we were in the same class anyway, it wasn't a big deal. He would catch up with me anyway.

It wasn't the end of us, we would still be friends, like I had said. But that was the end of our romance, or at least for now.

• • •

6 Years Later...

It's been 6 years. I graduated high school with Sora and Bangtan by my side, and gone to college. Now, we had all pretty much lost contact, but still chatted here and there every once in a while.

I recently got a job, and am living on my own. I'm proud of how far I've gotten without too many people to help me figure out things.

Today, I'm on my way to work, and I was walking through the busy streets of Seoul. My job was close enough to walk to in heels, so here I was.

As I stopped in a coffee shop for my daily morning cup of coffee before work, I noticed a man that I hadn't seen before. Usually there were some of the same daily people and other people that randomly show up, but he stood out.

His style was casual, but still really good looking. He was wearing a brown jacket and black jeans with a black backpack at his side. He was just tall enough that I could see his head over the other customers in front of me, otherwise I wouldn't have noticed him.

But why did he seem so familiar?

I patiently waited in line, and caught a glimpse of writing on the side of the stranger's cup as it was handed to him. At closer inspection, I realized that it was the customer's name. Taehyung.

No... it can't be, it's gotta be someone with the same name. It has to be a coincidence, right?

But as he turned around, I saw his face, and I knew that it was him. Kim Taehyung, who I had dated in high school and had so much drama with that I still question why I even cared about him at that time.

His eyes landed on mine, and I flinched, looking away. When I looked back in his direction, he sent a small smile and continued making his way out of the shop.

I shook it off, and continued waiting in line. It's okay, I only just saw the ex that I had the most history with, it's not any different than the others...

After a year of being in college, I had started dating other people. I wasn't dating a million guys, but I had a few exes.

Although we still texted from time to time, Taehyung was just a distant memory. The majority of our conversations at this point were just asking about how life was going, and that was it.

There were no more strings attached, I was done with him. I made that clear that we were over years ago, and it wasn't time to bring any of that up again.

I exited the coffee shop, and I started making my way to work again. I was walking a bit quickly since I was so flustered from that encounter with Taehyung. It felt good to finally see him in person, even if only for a second, but at the same time a lot of old memories came back up and I wanted to keep them away.

As I walked down the busy sidewalk, I tried to get my mind off of it, but I couldn't. I needed to go to work, I needed to live my life... I couldn't just go on like this, it was ridiculous. I should be able to see Taehyung or anyone else in the street and not freak out over it.

Suddenly, I went to go cross the street, but was then pulled back to the sidewalk as a car quickly drove by. It took me a second to take in what had just happened, even though it wasn't much.

"This seems familiar, doesn't it..." A voice said.

I turned around to see Taehyung grinning at me.

"Guess I'll always be there to save you." He added.

"Oh, hi..." I mumbled shyly. "And yeah, thanks..."

"No problem, it's not like it's something I haven't done before." Taehyung joked. I remembered the time he pulled me off of the street 6 years ago, and smiled.

"Right... But I got to get to work now, it was nice seeing you!" I replied, and was about to walk off when Taehyung called my name again.

"Would you mind if I asked you out for lunch tomorrow?" He asked.

The tiny grin across my face before had grown a lot bigger now. "No, not at all, that would be nice." I replied, and continued on my way to work.

That grin just wouldn't leave my face. Taehyung still had all the charms that made someone like him after only saying two words to each other. That's what I liked about him, just how kind and lovable he was to everyone.

Kim Taehyung, what were you doing to me?

Wow... we're at the end already?!? Thank you so much for everyone who's reading this, and I really hope you enjoyed it! This has been my first ever fanfiction, and there will be a sequel!!! (Keep this in your library, I'll make an update so you'll know when I make the first update!)

Thank you all so so so so soooo much, and stay tuned for WYD2ME 2!!!! 😁😁😘👋

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