Chapter 40

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|Jihee's P.O.V.|

Jisung came home about half an hour after he had left. Halmeoni had stopped crying, but I was curious where oppa had gone.

I walked downstairs to see Jisung in the kitchen, and he seemed to have a slight skip in his step.

"Why are you so happy?" I asked, leaning against the doorway.

He turned around suddenly, not knowing I had been watching.  He then turned back around, and opened the refrigerator. "No reason."

I tilted my head to the side. "I know you too well, you don't just get super happy over nothing."

Jisung pulled something out of the fridge, and turned around to face me. "Well maybe it's just none of your business."

"Oppa, please tell me!" I whined, and started acting cute to get him to do it.

"No." Jisung stated.

"Aish... nevermind then." I said, and went back up to my room. 

This wasn't normal for him... and it was weird that all of a sudden he was talking to me again too. After the incident, he completely ignored me until recently. Why was he being so weird all of a sudden?

• • •

|Taehyung's P.O.V.|

I arrived at school the next day, and I wanted to try and talk to Jihee. But the bad thing was, the seats were moved, and now I couldn't talk to her without approaching her directly. And if I did that, then she might ignore me. I needed to find a way to talk to her that didn't involve me going out of my way to see her. I probably wouldn't be able to talk to her without her getting annoyed for a while, at least until we started talking again.

During class, I was trying to do my work, when I heard the teacher call my name. My head shot up to see the teacher standing in front of my desk.

"Can you bring this down to the science lab for me?" She asked.

Now was my chance.

"Uh... can I bring a friend?" I asked shyly.

The teacher sighed a bit, but then nodded. "Who?"

"Jihee." I replied. She sighed again, and was starting to look a bit annoyed with me. Of course, Jihee probably said that she wasn't comfortable sitting next to me, and now the teacher thinks I'm being mean to her or something.

"Jihee, are you ok with going down to the science lab with Taehyung?" The teacher asked.

Jihee's head perked up, but then she seemed to realize what was really going on. "Nae." She replied, slowly nodding.

The teacher handed me a stack of papers, and we both stood up to leave. 

• • •

"So... how are you?" I awkwardly asked as we walked down the hallway.

Jihee stopped walking, and turned to me with the most disgusted look on her face. "You broke up with me over the phone and hung up, and that thing just happened... and you're asking how I am?" She asked.

"Uh... yeah." I sheepishly replied. This was not going well.

"Well by what I just said, the answer is no. I'm not fine." Jihee stated angrily, and we continued walking. "I don't even know why you asked me to come with you in the first place."

"I wanted to talk to you, and I had a feeling that you would ignore me otherwise." I replied.

"You sure were right about one thing..." Jihee mumbled sarcastically.

"But I don't want things to be that much different between us. I want to be friends again, at least acquaintances?" I explained, hoping she would consider it.

But she just laughed. "Maybe... but right now? The thought of that is just a joke." She replied.

My heart sank. This wasn't the Jihee I knew... this was someone else. Someone who had gone through so much pain and suffering, which I had partly caused by abandoning her.

We soon arrived at the science lab, and handed the stack of papers to the teacher inside. The two of us started to make our way back to our own classroom, and it was silent. I hoped that Jihee would go back to her own self soon, this new her didn't seem right to me.

"You've changed, you know that?" I said a bit quietly.

"Yeah, and who's fault is that?" She added.

We approached the door to our classroom, and I stopped before opening.

"It's yours." I answered, and opened the door.

Jihee's face was so shocked that I would speak to her like that, but entered the classroom as if nothing happened.

I felt a bit rude saying that to her, but that's what she needed. I get that I treated her badly, but it doesn't mean that she needs a bit of sense knocked into her. 

• • •

|Jihee's P.O.V.|

"You will not believe what happened today!" I stated as I entered the kitchen after getting home from school. Jisung turned his head sharply at the sound of my voice.

"What?" He asked.

"So V asked me to go with him to the science room, and I was in front of the teacher, so I couldn't say no! So then he asks if we can be friends again, and then I obviously say no!" I explained in frustration. "And then he says that I've changed, and it's not like I asked to be going through all of this, so then I said 'and who's fault is that?' and he says that it was mine! Unbelievable..."

Jisung sighed. "He does have a point."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"I mean that you don't have to be so rude to him if all he's trying to do is talk to you. I think he means well." Jisung explained.

"But he broke my heart... and he could have told me to my face. And he just had to abandon me when I needed him the most!" I complained.

"I get it... but for all we know, he could be trying to apologize. You can't just assume that he's gonna do something like that again." Jisung said.

I sighed. "Oppa..." I whined.

"Just give him a chance." Jisung said. Why did he always have to be right?

"Fine..." I agreed. "But I'm not gonna be his best friend in two seconds, I need to give it some time."

Jisung smiled and grabbed a bag of chips. On his way out, he patted my head. "Good girl."

I growled under my breath. "I'm not a dog, oppa!"


What was up with Jisung lately? There was definitely something weird going on, but what?

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