Chapter 49

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|Taehyung's P.O.V.|

All class I stared at Jihee. Luckily, the teacher didn't even notice once. No one else seemed to either, which was a good thing. The entire school knows about the break-up at this point, so it would be super awkward if someone guessed that I wanted her back after we just split up.

I felt a light tap on my shoulder, and a note was slid onto my desk.

Hey V! Guess who it is!
Who am I kidding, you most likely knew it was me, Bomi...

Actually, I didn't, but now it seems obvious.

But so, I wanted to meet you before lunch outside of your locker, just to talk. Please?

What miracle must have happened to make me want to talk to her? She ruined whatever was left of my relationship, and if it weren't for her, things might be playing out a lot differently right now.

I wrote back no, and handed the note back to the person that passed it to me.

She needs to get the message that I didn't love her, and I won't ever love her. She took advantage of me, and made me think that she actually wanted to help.

• • •

After class, I heard a high-pitched girly voice yelling my name. I turned around and Bomi bumped into me.

"Mianhae!" She said, giggling a bit.

"It's fine." I replied, and I casually looked around in the hallway to see Jihee watching the two of us in awe. As soon as she saw me looking, she turned around as if nothing had happened.

"So I wanted to meet you later!" Bomi said excitedly.

"I know, but I can't..." I said. I was really angry with her, but I pretended like I wasn't just so she wouldn't try and start rumors or try and hurt my reputation because I rejected her.

"Why not? Are you busy?" She replied.

"No, it's just-"

"Are you gonna be with BTS?" Bomi interrupted me.


"Then why not?"

I hesitated. "Because I don't have any feelings for you. And you ruined whatever was left of my relationship." I stated.

Bomi's face turned into a shocked expression. "Are you telling me to stop talking to you, oppa?"

"Yes, and stop calling me oppa. We're the same age, it's just annoying." I said.

"What, like you wanna go back to that bitc-"

"Shut up, and don't ever call her that!" I yelled. The whole hallway turned towards me.

I glanced around, and saw that Jihee had left. I kind of wished she stayed, maybe if she heard what I said, then she would know that I didn't mean for any of this to happen. Then it might be easier to explain everything to her.

"I messed up... and I was trying to fix things, but you just had to get in the way of everything!" I added. "So don't act like you did nothing wrong, because you know exactly what you did too."

• • •

After that, I walked to lunch, and sat down with Bangtan. They all gave me apologetic looks, as if they meant to say, "we can tell this isn't working, sorry". 

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