Chapter 7

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|Jihee's P.O.V.|

I was laying down on my bed, reading a book. I couldn't get the thought out of my head that Taehyung actually put his number into my phone. But he didn't have my number yet. Should I text him? What if he was waiting for me to text?


Oh gosh, I did it. Now I had to wait for a reply.



I'm guessing this is Jihee?


Good thing that you didn't delete my number 😂😂😂 you should have it in case you ever find yourself in a random alley with a stranger or are about to get hit by a car 😂😂😂😂

😂😂😂 Hopefully that won't happen again...

Is my name still as V✌️😎?

Still forgot to change that

YAH! Don't change it!

Changed it.

Awww! You're mean!! ㅠ.ㅠ

I kept the ✌️ emoji though, so there's still a V in it 😂😂

BUT MY NAME IS V!!!! ✌️️😤😤

OK fine, your name is V! But I'm still not changing it back!



We talked for a little while longer, but not forever. We eventually said bye and stopped texting, and I grinned. I couldn't stop grinning, and I fell backwards onto my bed, covering my face in my hands. Wait, why was I grinning so much? I was literally just texting Taehyung, that was it. Nothing more. There wasn't even anything going on between us, I was just having a normal conversation with a friend.

I sat up quickly. Wait a second. Did I like Taehyung? He only just moved here, I couldn't be in love already... or could I?

• • •

|Taehyung's P.O.V.|

The rest of Bangtan and I were walking through the school hallways, and almost everyone was staring at us.

"Ommo, it's Jimin Oppa!"

"AIGOO!! IT'S V!!" My face turned red when I heard my name. I still wasn't used to the popularity.

"Suga oppa is so cool!"

"No, he's swag!"

The seven of us just walked straight down the hallway like we owned the place, and everyone parted out of our way so we could all pass through. After a while, the majority of people stopped staring.

"Ugh, look. It's him." RM said. Our small group of seven looked across the hallway to see a guy glaring at us as he put his backpack in his locker. They all had looks of disgust on their face. What did they have against each other?

"Who's that?" I asked.

"It's Lee Jisung." Jin said. My face turned bright red. "We all had a conflict with him a few years ago."

"That's Jihee's brother." I said. The rest of Bangtan's eyes widened.

"It is?" Jungkook asked.

"Yeah, she mentioned that she had a brother named Jisung, and he's got the same name, Lee." I said. "It's gotta be him."

"A lot of people have that last name, it could just be a coincidence." RM added.

"No, it's gotta be him. Jihee mentioned her brother had a grudge for so long against you guys, there's no way that it's not him." I stated.

"How did we not know that? We've been going to the same school as them since we were little!" Jimin said.

"And I've only been here a week." I pointed out. But this wasn't good. They all had a problem with Jihee's brother, yet I was starting to like her. And I don't mean in a 'friends' way. 

• • •

|Jihee's P.O.V.|

I sat down in my seat, and waited for the rest of the class to arrive. Taehyung walked in and sat down right next to me.

"Hey." He said.

"Hey." I replied. I wasn't trying to be awkward, trust me. Before things got any more awkward, Mrs. Han walked into class. Thank God.

"Okay, to start off the class, can someone solve this math problem on the board?" Mrs. Han asked. No one offered to go to the board. "Taehyung?" Taehyung jerked his head up, and walked up to the board. He was shown a paper that said what to write, and she grabbed a dry erase marker to start writing on the whiteboard. He was so hot, even just doing something as simple as writing something on the board. He was also so funny, and adorable... WAIT A SECOND. Why did I keep getting excited about Taehyung? I think I finally figured it out.

|J-Hope's P.O.V.|

It was almost time for class to start, and I was waiting for Sora to enter the classroom. When she did, I walked up to her. The other students watched us, and Sora's face turned red.

"Hey, so I was wondering if we could exchange phone numbers, just so that we can keep in touch for the thing?" I said, knowing that other people were watching us. I didn't want to say the thing out loud because that was secretly between Bangtan and Sora.

Sora's face turned an even brighter shade of red. "Y-You want my phone number?" She asked. I nodded, and then she tore out a random piece of notebook paper from her notebook. After tearing it in half, we each wrote our number on one side, and handed it to each other as the entire class gasped. I headed back to my seat, knowing that I just shocked every single person in this room. I smiled, and looked towards where Sora was sitting. Her face was still as red as a cherry, and she was grinning. I found it cute when she grinned uncontrollably, but I had no idea why. She was pretty cool, even if every time I tried to talk to her, she was pretty awkward. I knew now that it was just because she was nervous, so I understood how she felt.

When I gave Sora my phone number, it was true that we could communicate easier about the thing between Jihee and Taehyung. Now if she was out with Jihee or something over the weekend, she didn't have to wait to tell me if something happened.

"Hoseok, what's so funny?" The teacher asked. I didn't even realize that class has started. I jumped back to reality, realizing that I had been grinning as I stared off into space.

"Nothing." I said quickly. The teacher moved on with the lesson, and I drifted back off into space again.

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