Chapter 32

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(A/N~ Yeah if you get triggered by blood easily, then I recommend skipping until you see a ***********. I'll do a quick recap at the end.)

|Jihee's P.O.V.|

"Oh my God..." Tae whispered.

My heartbeat beating faster than the speed of light, and I held back a scream. There was blood everywhere, on the floor, the couch, the carpet, covering appa... I could barely think straight. I wanted to scream, or to run, but my body wouldn't listen to what my brain told it to do.

"Get out..." I whispered, my voice barely audible. "Call the police." That was all I could make out.

Tae understood what I meant, and dashed away from the door, not even taking a second to close it.

Appa was staring right at me in shock. He took a few steps closer to me, and I felt chills run down my spine.

"Who was that?" He asked.

"A f-friend." I replied, my voice cracking.

"If you go tell him not to call the police, then this can be our secret, just the three of us." Appa said. He completely ignored eomma on the floor and stepped over her to get closer to me.

"W-Why did you do it?" I asked in a whisper.

"I just got so mad... I couldn't control myself- the knife was just on the counter... please don't be upset with me." Appa said in a calm tone. But how could he be so calm when eomma was dying?

"I still love your eomma with all my heart-"

"NO! THAT'S A LIE!" I screamed, my lungs finally working.

I guess my legs finally agreed with me as well, because I sprinted out of the room and up the stairs as fast as I could. But I wasn't fast enough, because appa grabbed my shirt and pulled me back.

"You listen to me, alright?" Appa stated, his voice shaky.

"N-no..." I mumbled. I didn't want to bargain with him, I wanted him out of my life! He just stabbed eomma!

"What I need you to do, is-" Appa started, but someone pulled him off of me. I backed away from the situation, and saw Tae pin appa to the wall and punch him multiple times. Appa slid to the ground, knocked out from the punches.

"We need to get out, come on!" Tae said, and grabbed my hand. We ran down the stairs, but I pulled my hand out of his grasp once I saw eomma. Tae stopped at the door, and turned to me.

"What are you doing? The police are gonna be here, we should let them handle this!" Tae said.

I kneeled down next to eomma, and a few tears made their way down my face. She was still alive, but barely. Her breaths were quick and uneven, and she was barely clinging onto life at this point. She wasn't going to make it out alive, there was no way...

"Jihee..." She barely breathed out. I grabbed her hand, and held onto it tightly.

"Eomma, I'm so sorry-"

"I love you... and Jisung... and Jiyeon... more than anything-" She attempted to say, her voice cracking at the end.

"Eomma, don't go please!" I cried, almost bawling my eyes out at this point. Suddenly, her hand started to go limp, and her breathing slowed.


She was gone.

"NO!" I screamed with the last bits of my energy.

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