Chapter 6

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|Jihee's P.O.V.|

Taehyung and I walked down the street towards his house. We were in a neighborhood of some pretty expensive houses. I figured we were just passing through, but how far would we have to walk to actually get to his house? It couldn't be too far, right? 

"We're here." Taehyung said. I looked up towards the house he was looking to, and saw that it was one of those huge houses. I wouldn't call it a mansion, but it was definitely bigger than the tiny 2-story home I lived in. The house itself was set back far from the street, leaving a big front yard. The grass was freshly cut, and the entire exterior just had a newer feel to it. A fancy mailbox was by the newly-paved driveway. The windows were big, taking up a lot of space on the house's front.

And when I said new, I meant new; it seemed almost as if it was finished being built yesterday, everything looked so clean and untouched. 

"It's HUGE!" I pointed out.

"Yeah, my parents own this huge company. The downside is that they're never home, so I usually have the place to myself. It gets pretty lonely." Taehyung explained.

"Really? I would give anything to get away from my family for one entire day!" I said.

"What makes you say that?" Taehyung asked as we made our way across the driveway to enter the house.

"So first of all, my brother is never home. But whenever I'm around him, he's always telling me what to do and who I can talk to and hang out with. I'm surprised that I even got out of the school without him seeing me! If he saw me with you, he would flip out! He's got this grudge against Bangtan for some reason, but he never told me why." I said. Bangtan was so popular that there was no way that Jisung oppa hasn't heard about Taehyung being a new member yet. But I made sure to keep out the part about appa. That was private.

"That sucks. You should be able to live how you want, and not have him around to tell you what to do." Taehyung replied.

"...But I see his reasoning behind it. He's always saying that he wants me to be safe, and that he doesn't want me to get hurt. He's just going over board in how he makes sure that I won't get hurt." I said.

"That's a bit more than over board, don't you think?" Taehyung said.

"Yeah, but whatever. We can start the project now." I said as we entered the house. "Where do you want to set up the stuff?" I asked.

"Can you set it up on the floor in the living room? I'll go get food from the kitchen." Taehyung said as he pointed to where he wanted to work.

"On the floor?" I asked. Weren't we a bit old for that?

"Jebal!" Taehyung begged, giving me his cutest aegyo.

"Okay, fine Taehyung. I'll set it up." I said. How could I say no to his ADORABLE aegyo?

"Yah, my name is V!" He said.

"Whatever, V." I said. He gave me his box smile and happily walked into the kitchen for food. He was too adorable sometimes. We were making a poster to present to the class, and then we were going to read the information off of a paper so we had exactly what we were going to say planned out. We had our speech planned, but we still had to finish our poster. I pulled out our rolled up poster paper, and unrolled it onto the hardwood floor. I could hear my phone vibrate from my backpack, so I pulled it out.

Wanna go to somewhere for ice cream? All my friends are busy, and I'll invite Jiyeon.

Ugh. He was usually out with his friends, but whenever they were busy, he would go out with me, and sometimes invite Jiyeon just so I wouldn't complain. He really hated her, and she couldn't care less whether or not she was invited. If Jiyeon wasn't invited I would complain that she was left out.

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