Chapter 37

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|Taehyung's P.O.V.|

It was lunchtime, and Jihee sat at her old table again, along with Sora. I sure hope that she'll forgive me, and then we can be together again...

I was just pushing my food around the plate with my chopsticks, not wanting to eat.

"Why did Sora have to leave... I miss her!" Hobi complained.

"It's okay, they'll come back." RM said.

"But what if this doesn't work out, and they don't come back?" I asked sternly.

"Woah, V, calm down... we'll make it work, don't worry." Jimin said.

"I went to class late because I was scared of how she would react... but I didn't have to worry, because the teacher changed our seats around. I bet she asked to change them anyway." I added annoyed. "I bet she hates me."

"She doesn't hate you, Tae. You're being ridiculous." Jungkook said.

"I abandoned her when she needed me the most... why wouldn't she?" I pointed out.

"V, stop. You're being ridiculous, you'll be fine. Once things are over with Jisung, you guys might need to discuss a few things... but once that's over, you'll be the same couple you were before the incident." Jin said.

"I agree." Suga said.

"Whatever..." I mumbled, and continued eating my lunch.

"Wait, who do you sit next to anyways?" Jungkook asked.

"This kid named Minwoo..." I replied.

The rest of Bangtan looked at each other, and Jungkook started laughing.

"Wasn't that Jungkook's old friend?" Jin asked.

"Yeah, good luck sitting next to him!" Jungkook said, still laughing.

"Why?" I asked, a bit confused.

"He's nice, don't get me wrong. But he's so annoying... and really dumb too." Jungkook said. "Don't be surprised if he asks you for answers 24/7."

I sighed. This should be interesting... I'd rather sit next to Jihee and have it be awkward between the two of us than deal with someone talking to me all class. Thanks a lot, Jihee...

Maybe things would be okay... but it would take a while to get back to how things were before. I'd have to explain everything to Jihee, and what if she doesn't forgive me? What if she blames me for giving up on her so easily? Then what am I supposed to do?

• • •

The rest of BTS and I had gone to Jimin's house after school. I wasn't pissed off anymore, but they all noticed how badly my mood was affected by the whole situation, and decided to help me come up with a plan. We hadn't thought of anything yet, and if we were going to fix this, then that's exactly what we needed to do.

"So any ideas?" Jin asked.

"Ok, can I just explain what we know for a fact?" I asked.

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