Chapter 2

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|Jihee's P.O.V.|

"WHAT?" Sora squealed. "How did that happen?" We were walking home from school, and I had just explained about the project.

"He came up to me!" I said.

"No offense, but why you?" Sora asked. "There had to be a ton of girls asking for him to be their partner, and he chose you!" Why did he ask me? I mean, it couldn't have been because of that thing, could it? 

"I have no idea! But now I'm working on a project with a member of BTS, and there's probably gonna be a ton of girls that are jealous of me. I do not want to get caught up in that drama." I said.

"I'm guessing that you didn't have any other good options for a partner?" Sora asked.

"Yeah." I replied.

"But that must be so cool, I mean, what if you guys become friends? Then you could become friends with the rest of BTS, and then me too! And then I could talk to J-HOPE! AIGOOO!" Sora exclaimed, freaking out.

"Woah, calm down. It's not gonna get that far, we're just partners for a dumb history project." I assured her.

"But you never know..." Sora said. "WAIT! WHAT IF YOU GUYS HAVE TO WORK TOGETHER AFTER SCHOOL??"

"Omo, I hope not." I said.

"Why? That would be so cool!" Sora asked.

"Because my brother would probably hammer the doors and windows shut so I couldn't leave!" I explained. He wouldn't go that far, but if he knew that I was meeting a boy outside of school, even if it was for a project, he would probably go insane. 

"Right, he is your brother..." Sora said. "But you need to become friends with him so I can talk to J-Hope!"

"Ok, listen. You can go up to J-Hope right now if you wanted to. Or, the next time you see him. I don't have to become friends with all of them and invite you to join us." I said, trying to suggest an alternative.

"Ani! I would freak out! And why? Do you not want to become friends with them?" Sora asked.

"I don't know... My brother hates them, if we became friends... let's just say that my brother would not be very happy about it." I said.

"Why does Jisung oppa have to be so controlling over you?" Sora asked.

"That's just his personality. It's super annoying, I know." I said.

"Whatever, I don't mind. That would be awesome though if it did actually happen." Sora said. We continued walking to our houses, and parted ways once we arrived.

  • • •  

|Taehyung's P.O.V.|

"So, how was the first day?" Jimin asked. I was hanging out with BTS after school.

"It was pretty good. I have to do this research project in history, though." I said.

"Who'd you pick to be your partner?" Jin asked.

"This girl named Lee Jihee. I don't know if you'd recognize her." I answered.

"Oh, her. I haven't talked to her before, but I know who she is. How'd you end up with her?" RM asked.

"Uhh..." I started. I didn't want to tell them that I asked her. "The teacher paired us up. We were the last two, so I didn't have a choice."

"Oh, was there no one else that you'd rather work with?" Suga asked.

"I don't know anyone else in the class, so I'm fine just working with her." I replied.

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