Chapter 45

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|Taehyung's P.O.V.|

Jiminie Pabo:
YAH! Where were you today? You left school so fast.

Let's just say that I may or may not have forgotten to tell them about where I took Jihee today.

I was out with Jihee.

Jiminie Pabo:

Jiminie Pabo:
Ok, what happened?

I found this cool waterfall and I showed it to her. She really enjoyed it, and I wanted to use it as a way to get her to trust me again. 😁

Jiminie Pabo:
So you're actually getting somewhere? Wow, I thought it would take longer than that to get her to like you again...


Jiminie Pabo:
Woah, I'm just being honest!


Jiminie Pabo:
So how long until you think you can explain things?

Great... I hadn't thought of that yet.

Uh... maybe I could wait a little longer, and when I think that it's time to ask her to be my girlfriend again, then I can explain things 🤷‍♂️

Jiminie Pabo:
Sounds like a good plan

And then if she's not upset, then I can ask her out again

Jiminie Pabo:
But how soon will that be?

I don't know, but definitely sooner than I expected

Jiminie Pabo:
Something doesn't feel right... you sure she trusts you THAT much?

What do you mean?

Jiminie Pabo:
Like maybe she knows that you're trying to get her back... and maybe she's tricking you, I don't know. It just seems too soon

I'm sure it's fine, if she knew she would just ask if it was true.

Jiminie Pabo:
I don't know, whatever. I just have a bad feeling that something's gonna go wrong at the last second...

Don't worry. And even if the plan goes horribly wrong, there's nothing you should be concerned about. It's my problem, not yours

Jiminie Pabo:
Ok, I trust that. But just pay attention, if you realize that something's going wrong, stop everything and explain things to her as soon as you can.

Jiminie Pabo:
You don't want her finding out somehow from the wrong person, that would just make things take waaaaaaaaaaaaaay longer

I know... don't worry, I won't mess things up. And Jisung's told me multiple times that he's trying to help, so I think I got this

Jiminie Pabo:
Ok, Bangtan's got your back too. Don't forget that.

Soon after that, our conversation quickly ended. I was a bit nervous about this whole thing, butterflies flew in my stomach just thinking about explaining everything. There was no way that she would completely understand and not be hurt at all, but I was just hoping for the benefit of the doubt. As long as she was okay enough with me that my confession would still be accepted, that was fine with me. I just wanted to get this whole thing over and done with.

• • •

|Jihee's P.O.V.|

It was the beginning of the school day, and I was patiently waiting in my seat for class to start. I noticed Taehyung walk into the class, so I waved and smiled at him.

He waved back and seemed to be walking towards me, but a girl named Bomi pretty much launched herself at him.

Ugh... Bomi was so annoying. She was always fangirling over Taehyung like it was her job or something. Suddenly, Bomi grabbed Taehyung's hand and dragged him out of the room. He was hesitant to follow, but he didn't stop her.

Since when did they ever get close? I mean, I get that Taehyung didn't mind all those girls trying to talk to him, but you'd think he'd at least try and not let one drag him out of the class.

Bomi had to be up to something... or maybe it was nothing at all, I have no idea. But there was something weird going on with them, and I sure didn't like it.

• • •

|Jisung's P.O.V.|

I was walking through the hallway when I saw V talking to a girl in the hallway. I think her name was... Bomi? I'm not sure what it was, but I knew she was in their grade. They seemed to be having a normal conversation, and I just walked by as if nothing was odd. Didn't V say he wanted Jihee back? He sure wasn't helping the situation by talking to other girls.

Don't get me wrong, of course he can talk to other girls besides her. But I saw Bomi watching us after I had talked to V that day in the library, what does she want from us? Maybe she's interested in V, but I don't know. 

I know he wants my sister back, and although I'm a bit nervous for that, I'll just let it go. I said that I was gonna try and be less over protective anyway, so I might as well let her do what she wants. But I don't want V to mess things up for himself if there was a problem or error that could be easily fixed. It's not like a math problem where there's usually a definite answer, V's just gotta try something and hope it works.

But it should be easy to see when something isn't working, and becoming friendly with another girl that could sabotage his plans might not be the best idea.

• • •

After school, I decided to text V to tell him what I thought. It's not like what I say even matters to him, but I said I would try and help, so that's exactly what I'm trying to do.

V, can I tell you something?

Sure hyung.

I saw you with that girl, Bomi is her name I think? Whatever

But just be careful about what you say to her and how much you hang out with her, you don't want her to find out about you trying to get back with Jihee and sabotage your plan

Oh... I hadn't even thought of that

You don't even have to listen to my advice, but I'm just letting you know to be careful

Ok, yeah, I agree, but thanks for telling me

No problem. 👍

Our conversation quickly ended. I don't know if he'll even listen to me, but I don't want him to get taken advantage of by some girl. If he was going to do this, then he needed to be prepared to do what he needed to do.

Yeah, I know I may seem like I'm pretty laid back about this whole thing, and honestly, I'm trying to let Jihee do her own thing. It's hard, but I'm trying... it feels good to not be telling her what to do 24/7.

I just hope that this goes well for V, or else this whole thing might be a waste of time. And I sure don't want that to happen, so we'd better not mess this whole thing up.

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