Chapter 15

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|Jihee's P.O.V.|

I showed up at the front of the school, out of breath. BTS and Sora were waiting for me. Although I hadn't met BTS before with the exception of Taehyung, no one seemed to care. I was also wondering why Sora knew them, but that was a question to ask another time. We had important business to do, and we had no time to waste.

"Mianhae... I had to... run... all the way... here..." I said, panting heavily.

"Gwenchana." Sora said.

"Guys, let's go! We need to find Jungkook!" Jimin exclaimed, and we ran over to the front entrance.

"Oh wait... it's locked!" I said, unsure why we couldn't get inside. But then it hit me. "Right... the library's being repainted, the school's not open for studying!"

"So what are we gonna do now?" Jin asked.

"I have an idea." Suga said.

"What is it?" J-Hope asked.

"Do you guys remember a year ago... when that one morning, that diss track about Mrs. Han played on the loudspeakers?" Suga slowly said.

We all nodded our heads, and Taehyung said no.

"V, you weren't here, of course the answer's no." Suga pointed out. "But yeah, that was me."

"And how does that have anything to do with this?" Sora asked.

"Oh wait, did you sneak in before hand to set it up?" RM asked.

"Ohhh..." We all said in realization as Suga nodded proudly.

"So how'd you do it?" Jimin asked.

"Just follow me." Suga replied, and we walked around to one of the school's side entrances.

We all exchanged glances, unsure how he was going to do this. All the doors were still locked on the side, it wasn't like you could just go in and out of them that easily.

Suga walked over to the wall, and started inspecting it. He was feeling and looking at each individual brick very carefully, and it was a bit odd.

"Um... are you ok, Suga?" Jin asked.

He turned around slowly and put a finger over his mouth. "Shh... let the genius do his work." Suga replied softly and creepily.

"Ok then?" Taehyung replied slowly.

"Aha!" Suga exclaimed, and pulled out one of the building's bricks. He then pulled something out from behind the secret hole in the wall, and held it up to show to us. "A key."

"Oh, that makes sense now!" I replied.

"Why is that even there anyway?" Jimin asked.

"I guess if the police need to get into the school building?" RM suggested. "Whatever, it's there, and we're gonna use it."

"How'd you even find that?" J-Hope asked.

"When we were in our first year at this school, one of the seniors showed me for some reason. I guess he knew I was destined for greatness all along... well, more like great rebellion, I guess." Suga explained sentimentally as he looked off into the distance.

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