Chapter 51

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|J-Hope's P.O.V.|

After Jihee left, the 6 of us immediately decided to visit V at his house. He needed to know about what we told Jihee, and that she didn't believe us.

As soon as we arrived, we knocked on the door. His eomma answered, and tilted her head to the side.

"You 6 again?" She asked.

"Nae, can we speak to Taehyung?" RM asked.

"Sure, but not for too long." V's eomma replied, and stepped aside to let us in. We all took off our shoes and walked up to V's bedroom.

We opened the door, and saw a confused Taehyung looking up at the 6 of us.

"What are you guys doing here?" He asked.

"We need to tell you something." RM said. "It's important."

V's eyes widened. "Does it have to do with Jihee?" He asked.

We all nodded our heads yes, and he became even more shocked.

"What happened?" V asked.

"We tried to talk to her, and we said that Jisung hyung was involved with all of this. We also said that it was all an accident, and things just kept getting worse from there." I said.

"Wait... you told her?" V added, and his expression became confused.

"Only that much, we told her that the rest of it was your story to tell." Suga replied.

"So now is she gonna come ask me about it?" V asked.

"Well..." Jimin said awkwardly.

"She didn't believe us." Jin blurted out.

"What?" V asked in shock. "Why?"

"I don't know... but she didn't." Jungkook said.

"We said to ask Jisung and he'd say the exact same thing, so maybe she'll start to believe us, but that's only if she talks to him." I said.

V hesitated to answer. He thought about it for a second, and then his face brightened up. "Do you guys think that it would be a good idea for me to talk to her now?" V asked.

"Maybe... give her some more time though. She needs to take this all in slowly, not all at once so her head explodes from too much info." RM replied.

At that moment, a ding went off, signaling that someone's phone had just received a message.

RM reached for his phone, and he looked up at the rest of us, wide-eyed. "It's Jisung hyung."

"What does it say?" V asked quickly.

"He said, 'I guess you all talked to Jihee?'" RM said.

"What are you gonna reply with?" I asked.

"I'm just gonna say yes, and we'll go from there." Rap Mon replied.

A few seconds later, RM received a reply.

"He said, 'Well I guess she was unsure if what you said was true, but now there's no doubt that she believes it.' I guess he talked her into believing the truth." RM explained. 

V did a little happy dance from where he had been sitting on his bed, and we all exchanged surprised glances.

"I'll just say that we're waiting for V to explain the rest of it, and that we'll give her some time." Rap Mon continued, before typing out the next message.

We all waited for a few seconds after he sent it, and then we got another response. It was 'Ok, I was just letting you know that she asked about it and that I didn't explain anything, just assured her that you guys weren't lying.'

"So what do we do now?" Jimin asked.

"I guess we give her a few more days, or even a week, I don't know. Just enough time for her to want to know, and it'll be even better if she approaches V for answers. Then we definitely know that she's ready." Jin replied. 

"But how will we know when it's time?" Jungkook asked.

"We can ask Sora." V suggested.

"But how would she know? It's not like she's gonna go up to Jihee like, 'Hey, when are you gonna talk to V again?'" Suga added.

"True..." I replied.

"So I guess we could ask Sora... but maybe I could try and walk near her or something and see if she walks away from me or not." V said.

"That's honestly a really dumb idea." Suga said.

"No, it's a good idea." RM pointed out. "I mean, maybe in a different way than that, but I mean just see how she reacts. Like if she's comfortable around you or not."

"You have a good point." I said.

"So what am I supposed to do then?" V asked.

"Just go and talk to her. It can be as subtle saying 'Hi' in the hallways, or even trying to have a conversation with her, but anything. Just don't mention the story unless she mentions it first." Jimin explained.

"This is never gonna work." Suga replied.

"This is totally gonna work." I added.


"Because if he knows that she's okay being around him and talking to him, then there's a better chance that she'll agree to talk to him." I argued.

"Whatever, stop arguing." Jin interrupted. "This might work, but I would say at least wait a few days to start even thinking about explaining things."

"Yeah, she needs time. I think all this pressure and information could be too much for her, we all know what she's been through this year." RM added. 

I nodded, and then there was an awkward silence. We all knew what happened, and we felt so bad for Jihee... no one deserved that. To witness your eomma die, because your appa killed her? That's unbearable.

"But maybe you guys should leave now. I think we've got this figured out, and there's no direct plan, so we can work around things if we mess up." V said.

"Ok, good luck, and we'll see you tomorrow!" I replied brightly.

"Thanks." V mumbled. I guess none of us knew how to react to any of this, it's not like this was a situation that happened daily.

We all left V's house, and headed our separate ways. We totally got this, there's no way that this can get messed up even further... hopefully. 

I want V to succeed, and for this whole mess to just end. The two of them are meant to be together, we can all see it... but too many mistakes were made at the wrong times, and it just messed up everything.

I just hope that this all ends up working out in the end, or else V will be miserable for a long time.

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