Another Problem

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A month later
Ethan's POV

Everything's been going great. I'm back to my regular upload schedule, I'm going back to the office now, and I don't need to worry about (Y/n) going into labor anymore.

Toby's been a real sweetheart. Sure, he wakes the both of us up in the middle of the night, but that's nothing. I'm pretty much used to waking up early.

(Y/n) and I already started talking about the wedding, like where its gonna be, who we're gonna invite, things like that. I thought we should have it in her hometown, while she thought that we should have it in Maine, where I grew up. We finally just decided to have it here in LA, by the beach.

Although, another problem soon popped up.

I've been noticing that (Y/n) gets out of breath easily, especially when she's singing. Whenever I try asking her about it, she smiles and says that nothing's wrong. I know that she's hiding something from me, and I plan to find out what it is.

One day, while I was editing a video in the recording room, I heard a big thud. Shortly after, Emerson screamed from Toby's room. I hurriedly saved my edits, then raced upstairs.

When I got there, I saw Toby crying in his crib, Emerson on her knees, and (Y/n) lying on the floor.

I walked over. "What happened?"

Emerson shook her head. "I don't know! She was just singing, and then she fainted!" She looked at me. "Is something wrong with mom?"

I stared at her. "That's the thing- I don't know."

The next day, while I was at the office, Amy brought me into the livestream room. She had a video pulled up on one of the computers, and I realized it was one of (Y/n)'s videos. Amy pressed play.

She appeared on the screen, and she looked incredibly nervous. She waved at the camera.

"Hello, all of you beautiful people in the world! It's me, (Nickname), and today, I'm here to give you all some news."

She smiled. "For those of you who don't follow my social media, or don't watch Ethan's videos, I'm here to tell you that yes, we are engaged." She showed the ring. "We're planning to be married sometime in October, around our birthdays."

Her smile dropped, and she bit her lip. "Although, there's a chance that might never happen." My breath hitched.

"Let me tell you a story of mine. When I was 15, I was rehearsing for a musical I was in for school. I played the lead role, meaning that I had to both sing and dance at the same time. Well, halfway through one of the rehearsals, I collapsed backstage, because I was out of breath. We didn't even really do much."

"I was taken to the hospital, and I was evaluated and given a diagnosis. I won't tell you what it is yet, because that's the whole reason for this video. After that hospital trip, I was told that I couldn't do sports, or gym, or choir and drama class. I couldn't do anything that would cause shortness of breath. And that's because every breath that I drew was already shorter than everyone else's."

She took a deep breath. "The point of that story? It was to tell you that I have a disease. I have a rare disease that causes quickness of breath, that cause dizziness and fatigue. I have a disease that when most people have it, they don't live past thirty years old."

I felt tears threatening to fall down my face. She might not live past thirty? If she lives tomorrow, it'll be a miracle?

She faked a smile. "Now, there is still a chance that I could live through this. There's a 25% chance that I will pass away. The chance of living is greater than the chance of dying. That chance has been getting slimmer- I've been taking medications, and just last year, before I graduated school, I got a pacemaker inserted in my chest."

The tears started to fall. Why wouldn't she tell me this? I could've helped her.

Before I knew it, the video ended. Amy clicked out of the video before turning to me. "Did you know about that?"

I shook my head, wiping my face. "No. She didn't tell me anything about it."

She reached over and hugged me. "It's okay, Ethan. It'll all be okay."

I shook my head. "I don't want her to die! I want het to stay! I love her!"

She pulled away, wearing a sad look and almost in tears herself. "I know how you feel, Ethan. She's one of the bestest friends I could ever ask for. If she does die... I don't know what I'd do." She smiled at me. "Why don't you go home? Go talk to her. I'll tell Mark what happened, okay?"

I nodded and bolted out of the room, grabbing my car keys and running to the car.

Word Count: 843

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