Friendly Love

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Ethan's POV

I turned the corner, walking into the waiting room, holding Toby in my arms. Everyone was too busy talking to each other, but Amy looked in my direction and jumped up from the couch.

"Oh my God, is that Toby?!" Everyone stopped talking and looked at me.

I grinned. "Yeah, it is."

Everyone crowded around me, looking at Toby, who was asleep in my arms.

"Oh, he's so cute!" Kathryn whispered.

"Is (Y/n) okay?" Tyler asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, she's fine. Just tired."

"When can we see her?" Amy asked.

"Soon, hopefully. She needs to get some rest, first."

Mark smiled and put a hand on my shoulder. "You did it, Ethan. You made it to parenthood."

I smiled and looked down at the baby.

The baby. A boy. My son.

"Yeah, I did."
Your POV

You woke up on your own this time, blinking against the bright lights above you. You looked around and realized that you were in a hospital room.


You suddenly remembered what happened. What happened at the apartment, on the ride here, in the room...

You thought about Ethan. Ethan, the love of your life. Ethan, your fiance. Ethan, the father of your child. Ethan, the man who had to wait behind closed doors for 2 hours, just to see you.

You thought about everyone else who has helped you through your pregnancy. Amy, who got you anything you needed. Mark, who went out of his way and made you chicken and dumplings whenever he came over to visit. Tyler, who would cheer you up and joke around with you when your anxiety came around. Kathryn, who came to visit whenever she had the time, because she didn't want you to feel alone.

You wished everyone was in the room at this exact moment, so you could thank each of them.

Before you burst into tears, Nancy walked into the room. She smiled when she saw that you were awake. "Morning, sleepyhead!" You giggled. "Up for some visitors? Everyone's still outside."

You nodded. "Please?"

Nancy nodded. "Of course. But first, could you sign this birth certificate?" You nodded again, sitting up in the bed. Nancy brought over a table of sorts, and you signed the paper. When that was over, Nancy smiled and took the paper and pen, pushing the table back where it was. "Thank you. I'll go get this put up, and then go get the others." She left the room.

You sat in silence for a while, your brain bouncing from thought to thought.

In just a couple minutes, the door opened again. You turned to see who it was, and your face lit up.

Ethan was standing in front, holding Toby in his arms and smiling at you. Mark, Amy, Tyler, and Kathryn were around him, each holding something- Tyler had a balloon, Kathryn had some flowers, Mark had a baby blanket, and Amy had a stuffed bear.

You felt your eyes tear up. "You guys..."

They all laughed and walked into the room. Ethan moved to your left, while everyone else put the stuff on the nightstand and gave you separate hugs.

"How are you?" Amy asked.

You smiled. "I'm great." You looked between everyone. "Thank you. All of you. You all did so much for me... how will I ever pay you back?"

Tyler smiled. "Don't worry about that. We were just doing a favor for a friend."

You felt tears threaten to fall down your face. "... Thank you. You don't know how much I appreciate that."

"You're welcome." Kathryn said for everyone.

"Anytime." Mark continued.

"Anything for a friend." Amy smiled.

Ethan turned to you. "Here, why don't you hold him?" Ethan held out Toby to  you, and you took him carefully, cradling him in your arms.

He opened his eyes for the first time, and you saw that they were blue- the same color as Ethan's.

You smiled. "You're gonna look so much like your father."

"Hopefully not act like him." Mark said, smirking. "Ethan's made some bad choices in his life."

Ethan laughed. "You asshole."

You looked at the little bundle of joy in your arms, looking up at you. You looked over at your fiance, laughing and smiling. You looked over at your friends, making jokes and talking to each other.

This is real. I did it. I made it.
It was 9 o'clock at night. Everyone already left to go home. Emerson was safe with Mark and Amy. You were laying in the hospital bed, holding a sleeping Toby in your arms. Ethan was sitting next to you, texting someone.

He smiled and put his phone away. "Your family's coming."

You grinned. "Really?" He nodded, and you looked down at Toby.

"They're going to love him." Ethan said, laying his head on your shoulder.

You nodded. "And Emerson. I think they'll be happy for us."

Ethan smiled, putting his left arm around your shoulders and his right under yours, helping you hold Toby. "You're gonna be a great mom."

The two of you fell asleep, sitting in that position.

Word Count- 852

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