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Three months later
Ethan's POV

It's getting dangerously close to the baby's expected date. Toby could be here any day now, and It's worrying me.

(Y/n) has been having a lot of contractions recently, and she's been waking up in pain every morning. I try to help her as best as I can, but sometimes I can't do anything.

I've shortened my upload schedule to once a day, and the fans already know why and respect that. They know that It's important, and I'm very thankful for that.

Mark's been telling me to stay at home, "just in case". He knows how worried I am- they all do- and I'm so grateful.

Right now, we were watching a Disney movie, just the two of us. She was curled into me, and I had my arms around her.

She looked up at me. "Could you get me a water?"

I smiled. "Sure." I kissed her forehead, and she moved to let me up.

Right as I got into the kitchen, she called my name. "Ethan."

"Yeah, babe?" I called back, not thinking much.

"Ethan..." She trailed off.

My blood turned cold. I walked out of the kitchen, just as she screamed. I ran towards her, seeing tears run down her face.

I tried being calm. "Okay, babe, calm down." I lightly grabbed her arms, pulling her off of the couch. I placed my hand on her lower back and put her arm around my neck. I walked as fast as I could out the door, grabbing the keys on the way out. I opened the passenger door, carefully sitting her down. I ran to the driver's side, quickly climbed in, and started the car, driving to the nearest hospital.

She screamed again, more tears falling down her face. I grabbed her right hand and squeezed. "It's okay. It'll all be over, soon."

We got there in no time, and I found a parking spot easily close to the doors. I parked and jumped out of the car, running to the passenger side door and opening it. I got (Y/n) out (with some difficulty) and put her like she was before, walking her inside.

The nurse at the front desk widened her eyes when she saw me. "Is she in labor?" She asked me. I nodded, and she called down to a couple other nurses, who were pulling an empty bed. They turned around and brought the bed, taking her and laying her down on the bed. (Y/n) screamed in pain, and they ran to the nearest empty room.

I tried going in with, but the nurse from the front desk stopped me. "I'm sorry, sir, but you aren't allowed in the room."

I shook my head in disbelief. "But I'm her fiance!"

"I'm sorry, but it's the rules." I stood in silence for a moment, before nodding my head. She smiled at me. "It's okay to be nervous or scared. She and baby will be perfectly fine, I can assure you. We'll make the delivery safe, and no one will get seriously hurt. If something happens, I promise I will come tell you. Okay?" I nodded, and she disappeared into the room.

I sat down on the bench in the hallway, grabbing my phone and calling Mark.

"Hey, Ethan. What's up?"

I didn't answer his question. "Is everyone still at the office?"

"Yeah, we're all here. Just talking. Why?" I could hear the worry in his tone.

"You need to get to the hospital. Quickly."

"The baby's coming?!"

I nodded. "The nurses just took her into the room.

"We're on our way." There was a slight pause. "Don't worry, Ethan. She'll be fine."

I sighed. "I sure hope so."
A couple hours passed. Everyone was here, sitting in the small waiting room. I was pacing around, extremely nervous.

The nurse from earlier turned the corner. I stopped pacing when she stopped in front of all of us.

She glanced between all of us. "Are you all here for (Full Name)?" We nodded, and she smiled. "The delivery went perfectly, and the baby is perfectly healthy." We all let go of the breath we've been holding. "(Y/n) is sleeping at the moment, and the baby is being cleaned up."

I took a step towards her. "When can I see her?"

The nurse turned to me. "Well, she can't visit with people until she wakes up, but if you want, I can take you to her room, and you can see her right now."

I nodded. "Please."

She smiled and motioned for me to follow her. I looked back at everyone, who was waving and giving me thumbs-up.

The nurse walked me to the room and slowly opened the door. I walked in, and she closed the door for me. I glanced at the door before walking towards the bed, looking at (Y/n) sleeping peacefully. I sat down in the chair next to her and put my hand on top of hers, brushing away strands of hair from her face.

Her eyes fluttered open, and she smiled at me. "Hey, you."

I laughed. "Hey, you." I rubbed my thumb back and forth on the back of her hand.

"Is everyone here?" She asked quietly.

I nodded. "Yeah. I called them earlier, and they came right here." I kissed her forehead. "We were all so nervous."

She smiled. "Now you don't have to be."

The nurse came in, holding the baby in her arms. She smiled. "Oh, you're awake." She walked over to us. "I thought you'd want to see the baby before you visit." She gave him to (Y/n), then pulled out a birth certificate and a pen. "Do you already have a name for him?"

(Y/n) nodded, looking at the baby. "Toby." She looked up at me, smiling. "Toby Ethan Nestor."

I grinned, leaning towards her and looking at Toby. He looked up at me, and I knudged his hand with my pinkie finger. He opened his hand and grabbed onto it.

The nurse smiled. "Great. I'll need the both of you to sign this paper." She giggled. "Before you do, I should introduce myself." She stuck her hand out. "Hi, I'm Nancy, and I'll be the nurse during the day." I shook her hand and stood up, lightly pulling my finger away from Toby. Luckily, he fell asleep, so he didn't cry.

I walked to where Nancy was and signed the paper in cursive. Nancy walked over to (Y/n) and held her arms out. (Y/n) gave her back Toby.

"You should get more sleep, and you can sign the paper in the morning." (Y/n) nodded and closed her eyes, obviously too tired to argue. I walked back over and kissed her forehead. She smiled and turned towards me.

I moved to sit back down, but Nancy stopped me. She held out Toby. "Here. You can take him and go back out to the others. I'll come get you all when she's awake again."

I nodded. "Thanks, Nancy." She nodded, and I left the room, holding Toby carefully in my arms.

Word Count: 1,193

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