Absolutely Smitten

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Ethan's POV

"ETHAN!" (Y/n) screamed from down the hallway. I took off my headphones just as she opened the door. "We have to go back to my hometown for Halloween."

I raised an eyebrow, slightly nervous. "Why?"

She walked towards me, unlocking her phone. "Kate's throwing her annual costume party. She invited us, and she wants us to help set up."

I sighed. "Well, that ruins the surprise." She looked at me confused, until I pulled out two plane tickets from my desk drawer. She took them and smiled. "I was planning on surprising you with the flight, but now since we have to, I think it's time you know."

Her smile faltered. "Wait, what about Emerson?"

I shrugged. "I just wanted this to be the two of us. We rarely ever spend time together, besides sleeping and such. I... thought it would be good."

She grinned and threw her arms around my neck, pulling me into a tight hug. "I love it. I love you."

I hugged her back, kissing her hair. "I'm glad you like the idea. I love you, too."
Your POV

You woke up naturally, blinking against the bright light coming through the window. You looked at the time- 6:37 in the morning.

Ethan should be gone by now. I hope the guys have fun on their camping trip.

You got out of bed and walked downstairs, starting breakfast. Emerson walked downstairs shortly after you finished. You put a plate of bacon and eggs in front of her. "Eat up. You'll need your energy for school today."

She grabbed the fork and ate, giggling. "Thanks, mom." You felt butterflies in your stomach when she called you that. "Is dad already gone?"

You nodded. "Yeah, he had to leave early this morning. He'll be back Sunday afternoon."

Emerson finished eating and looked up at you. "Will you be okay here?"

You smiled. "Don't worry about me. I'll find some way to keep myself busy. Besides, Amy and Kathryn are coming over sometime today."

She nodded, then stood up from her chair, grabbing her bookbag. "See you after school!" You waved at her before she left the apartment.
"She'll never..." You thought out loud, tapping your pencil against the coffee table. "She'll never... leave you alone?" You shook your head. "No, that doesn't work well... leave?" You sighed. "Come on, (Your Name), think!" You thought hard for a moment. "She'll never... let you go!" You quickly wrote that down in your notebook. You quickly grabbed your ukulele and played the new song you wrote.

She knows this feeling all too well
She feels her heart begin to swell
Handsome stranger, you have made her insides
Turn to jelly

She wants to dance around the room
Kiss you until your lips turn blue
Handsome stranger, you have made her wonder
Is she pretty?

You were so into the song that you didn't hear the front door open.

But it's too late
She believes in fate
She's absolutely smitten
She'll never let you go

That girl just there, yes she's the one
With cupid's arrow in her bum
Handsome stranger, you have made her happy
The first in a long time

Did you just whisper in her ear?
Words she only dreamed to hear
Pretty lady, look at how he's smiling
I think he likes you!

And it's too late
You believe in fate
You're absolutely smitten
You'll never let her go

Suddenly, Amy and Kathryn sat next to you, grinning and silently listening. You grinned back and continued the song.


But it's too late
I believe in fate
I'm absolutely smitten
I'll never let you go

I'll never let you go!
I'll never let you go!

You finished up the song, made a couple notes in your notebook, and closed it, laying your ukulele on top. You turned to Amy and Kathryn, who were grinning like idiots.

"You should play that for Ethan." Kathryn stated.

Amy nodded. "Yeah, you should. It's like you wrote that for him."

You blushed slightly. "I... kinda did."

Amy and Kathryn awwed. "Really?" They said simultaneously. You nodded, and they attacked you with a group hug.

The front door opened again, and Emerson walked in. "Did I miss something?"

The three of you pulled away from each other and turned to her. "Nothing major." You answered. "Come over here! Come sit!" Emerson obeyed, sitting next to Kathryn.

This is gonna be a long weekend, you thought to yourself.

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