Planning a Birthday Party

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Ethan's POV

I finished my editing earlier than usual, so I decided to visit (Y/n) at the orphanage. I walked in, and was greeted by Mr. O'Connell.

He smiled at me. "Ethan! So lovely to see you again."

I smiled back. "Hi, Mr. O'Connell. Is (Y/n) still here?"

He nodded. "She's in the dining hall, helping the children do crafts."

I nodded. "Thank you."

I walked towards the dining hall, opening the door as quietly as I could, hoping to not distract everyone. I saw (Y/n), sitting next to a girl and two boys.

She looked at the boys. "Now, Jake, she's doing the best that she can do."

One of the boys, Jake, shook his head. "But it's terrible!" The girl let a few tears fall down her cheeks.

(Y/n) frowned at the boys. "I think it's beautiful." The girl looked at her. "Have you ever thought about what Emerson would grow up to be?" She asked, gesturing to the girl.

The boys sneered. "Yeah. Probably a maid." The other boy said.

(Y/n) gasped. "Adam!" He chuckled. "Well, whatever you may think she would be is an option. She could grow up to be a movie star, or a singer one day. She could be very famous."

Jake chuckled. "As famous as your boyfriend?"

I stood behind (Y/n). "Exactly like her boyfriend." She looked up at me, smiled, and grabbed one of my hands.

"Oh my God." Someone in the room said. I turned towards the voice and saw a girl that looked like she was about 13 years old. She pointed to me, a small smile on her face. "You're Ethan."

I smiled at her. "Yep, that's my name!"

Her smile grew wider. "As in, Ethan Nestor? As in, Markiplier's editor?" The whole room grew quiet, and the two boys glanced between (Y/n) and me.

I nodded. "Yeah, still me."

"We won't bother Emerson ever again!" The boys said quickly before running out of the room.

The girl squealed and ran up to me. "Are you two dating? If not, you two definitely should. You guys are perfect for each other!" She must have already recognized (Y/n) from the Do Not Laugh challenge.

I looked at (Y/n), who nodded back at me. "We... are dating." I answered, looking back at the girl. "But don't tell anyone. We'd like to announce our relationship ourselves."

The girl nodded. "I won't tell a soul, I promise!" She went back to her craft, and I sat next to (Y/n).

"You took that well." She whispered to me.

"You could've handled it better than I did." I whispered back.

"Wait, so that's your boyfriend?" Emerson asked.

(Y/n) nodded. "Yeah, it is." She leaned her head on my shoulder, and I rested my head on hers.

"You two are cute together." Emerson stated.

(Y/n) checked her watch, then stood up. "Well, my day's almost over." She turned to me. "Let me go get cleaned up, then we can leave. Okay?" I just now noticed the paint all over her hands and jeans. I nodded, and she left the room.

Emerson looked around before leaning in to whisper at me. "What are you doing for her birthday?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Her birthday?"

Emerson nodded. "It is tomorrow."

I gasped. "How come she never told me?"

"She doesn't want anything big." Emerson answered. "She doesn't want to be the center of attention. She doesn't want to be special, even for a couple of hours." She looked at me. "But you will do something, right?"

I thought for a moment before nodding. "I will. When (Y/n) comes back, tell her I had to go home." Emerson nodded, and I left the room, heading towards my car. I turned it on and started driving towards the apartment while dialing Mark's number.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Mark, I need a favor."

"Anything. You name it, I'll do it."

"Make sure no one's doing anything tomorrow after four. Make sure there's nothing that needs to be recorded, or edited, or anything like that."

"Sure... why?"

I smiled slightly. "It's (Y/n)'s birthday tomorrow, and I kinda want to throw a surprise party for her at the office. If that's okay, that is."

"No, that's perfectly fine. Go ahead. Do what you need. We'll leave, if you-"

I interrupted him. "No. All of you need to be there. She considers all of you as friends. You need to be there."

I could practically hear Mark's grin through the phone. "Well, then. I'll make sure everyone knows."

I grinned. "Great. I'll get everything ready tonight, and I'll get a cake tomorrow while she's at the orphanage."

"I'll help you get it ready." Mark stated. "You'll need the help."

"Thanks, Mark."

"Anytime, Ethan."

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