Aunt Kate is Visiting

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Your POV


By the way, you're an aunt.


Yeah, Ethan and I adopted a kid.

Send a pic!

You smiled to yourself. You kind of expected a reply like that. Kate always wanted to be an aunt, and always thought you would be a great parent someday.

"Em, mind taking a picture with me?" You asked her, turning on your front-facing camera.

She turned to you, a grin on her face. "Of course! Why wouldn't I?"

The two of you posed for the picture, each of you smiling brightly.


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I know! She's the sweetest little girl
I know!

That's it, I'm booking a flight to

Really? Right now?

Yes, right now! I have to see you
again somehow!

Okay, then. You do that.

You locked your phone and put it in your pocket, standing up from the couch in the living room. "I'm gonna check on Ethan. Don't break anything." You pointed accusingly at Emerson.

She giggled back. "What makes you say that?" You walked towards Ethan's recording room, shaking your head and grinning.

You knocked on the door, hearing a small "Come in." in response. You slowly opened the door and walked in, seeing Ethan at his desk, wearing headphones and focusing on the screen. He glanced at you before focusing on his work. "I'll be with you in a minute, I gotta finish this."

You pulled a stool from under the desk and sat by Ethan, watching him do whatever he was doing. He was editing a long line of clips, and the one he was on now included you.

You watched him work for a couple minutes before he saved his edits and shut down his computer, taking his headphones off. He turned to you, wearing a lopsided grin. "What's up, beautiful?"

You blushed. "Don't call me that."

He pulled you into a hug. "You might not think that you're beautiful, but you are. Really and truly. I love you just the way you are. You don't have to change a thing." You sighed and relaxed in his arms, hugging him back.

After a couple seconds of comfortable silence, Ethan spoke up again. "What did you come in here for?"

You pulled away from the hug, gasping. "I almost forgot! Kate's flying over here so she can meet Emerson."

Ethan raised an eyebrow. "Really? Just for that? Wouldn't she also want to see you?"

You giggled. "Well, yeah, but she always wanted to be an aunt, and she always wanted me to be a parent. She was way too excited when I told her about Emerson." As if on que, your phone vibrated in your pocket. You pulled it out, reading the message Kate sent you.


I've got the flight booked and the
tickets printed! Now all that's
left is for me to pack.

Can't wait to see you again! I already
told Ethan about your visit, but Em
doesn't know a thing.

See you tomorrow!

See you tomorrow!

You locked your phone, grinning. "She booked her flight, and she's coming tomorrow."

Ethan grinned with you and took your phone, placing it on his desk. He wrapped his arms around your waist, and you wrapped your arms around his neck. He kissed you passionately, as if it were the last kiss the two of you shared.

"I love you." He said when the two of you pulled away from each other.

You smiled. "I love you, too."

"Gross." You and Ethan turned towards the doorway, seeing Emerson  leaning against it. She stuck her tongue out at you, and you stuck out yours, mimicking her.

"You two are just like little kids." Ethan said, rolling his eyes.

You ruffled his hair. "So are you. Keep in mind, you play video games every day."

He grinned. "Oh yeah." The three of you started laughing uncontrollably until your chests hurt.

"Come on, let's go do something!" Emerson jumped up and ran out of the recording room. You and Ethan grinned at each other before following her into the living room.

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