A Birthday Party-Part 3

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Your POV

After a few hours of skating, Ethan checked the time on his watch before grabbing your hand and skating towards the front of the rink. You and Ethan took off your skates and handed them to the man behind the counter.

"The other three might stay for a little longer." Ethan told him.

The man nodded. "Of course. They can leave at any time."

You and Ethan put on your shoes, and Ethan led you back to the truck. He drove you away from the rink.

"Where are we going?" You asked Ethan, genuinely curious.

"Well, I thought this was enough excitement for today, so I thought we should just hang out somewhere and look at the stars." He glanced at you, smiling. You grinned back and leaned your head on his shoulder

After a minute of driving, Ethan parked in front of some trees. You jumped down from the truck and joined Ethan, who was walking towards a clearing in the trees.

"This brings back memories."

Ethan took your hand. "And now we have a newer one to go with them."

The two of you followed the path until you got to the old park. Ethan led you to the other side of the swings, where a blanket was laid out in the grass, next to a picnic basket.

You grinned. "Really, Ethan? For me?"

He chuckled. "Yes, (Y/n). This is all for you."

The two of you sat down on the blanket. Ethan opened up the basket, showing you the many bottles of (Favorite Drink) and small boxes of pizza.

You grabbed a bottle and looked at it. "How did you know this was my favorite?"

Ethan grinned. "I looked through your Instagram posts."

You grinned back. "You stalker."

He kissed your cheek. "You know you love me."

You sighed. "I do." You quickly grabbed a slice of pizza. "But not as much as I love pizza!" You hurriedly took a bite.

Ethan scoffed, making you giggle with your mouth full. "So you don't love me?"

You swallowed the bite of pizza and kissed him. You let it last for a moment before pulling away, smiling slightly and blushing madly. "I love you so much, Ethan. If I told you how much, you wouldn't believe me."

He wrapped his arms around your waist. "If I told you how much I love you, you wouldn't believe me." The two of you giggled.

After eating a few slices of pizza, drinking (Favorite Drink), and making fun of each other, the two of you laid back on the blanket and looked at the stars.

Well, you were looking at the stars. Ethan was looking at you.

"God, it's beautiful." You said, in awe of the beauty of space

"It really is." Ethan never took his eyes off of you.

You turned your head to look at Ethan, and the two of you locked eyes. Ethan put his hand on your lower back, pulling you in for a long and passionate kiss. When the two of you pulled away, Ethan sat up and dug in the picnic basket.

You sat up next to him. "Is something wrong?"

He shook his head. "I almost forgot about this." He pulled out a black box and handed it to you. "Open it." You took off the lid and gasped at what was inside.

You lightly grabbed the bracelet in your hand, pulling it out and looking at it. It had a silver chain, with a charm of a moon hanging off of it.

"It's a charm bracelet." Ethan explained. "Every year for your birthday, or holiday, or whatever, I'll get you a new charm. Since I planned on going stargazing with you, I thought that this charm would be appropriate."

You grinned at Ethan. "Thank you, Ethan. This means a lot to me."

He held out his hand, and you gave him the bracelet. You held out your arm, and he tightened it on your wrist. When he was done, he raised your hand to his lips and kissed the back of it.

"I love you to the moon and back." He said quietly, just barely loud enough to hear.

"And I love you to infinity and beyond." You said back.

The two of you fell into a comfortable silence, just staring lovingly into each other's eyes.

Just LuckOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora