Zach is Back

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Your POV

"And this is the orphanage!" You said to Kate, parking at the curb and getting out of the truck.

"I kinda miss this place." Emerson sighed from the backseat. The three of you walked inside the building, and saw Mr. O'Connell standing there.

He smiled at you. "(Y/n)! And Emerson! So happy to see you again. And this is..."

Kate smiled politely. "My name's Kathrine, but I like to be called Kate."

Mr. O'Connell nodded. "Of course. I do have to tell you something before you go see everyone- there's a new worker here, and he's with them right now."

You smiled. "Thanks for the heads up." The three of you walked into the large living room. Emerson kept going when you reached the room, but you and Kate stopped dead in your tracks.

Zach was standing in the center of the room.

He turned around and smiled at you and Kate. "Girls! Long time, no see!"

You shook your head. This can't be happening.

Emerson walked up to him, and he bent down so he was even with her. "Who are you?"

Emerson grinned. "My name's Emerson! (Y/n) adopted me a week ago."

Zach looked up at you, narrowing his eyes slightly. "You have a daughter now? Does that mean I'm a father?"

Emerson shook her head. "No, actually, my dad-"

Kate cut her off by clamping her hand over Emerson's mouth. "Come on, Em. Let's go say hi to your friends." She quickly walked away, dragging Emerson with her.

Zach walked up to you, giving you a death stare. He grabbed your wrist and forced you out into the hallway, pushing you against the wall.

He pressed his forearm against your throat. "You have a child now?"

You gasped for air. "Zach, let me go."

He pressed harder. "You left me for him? And now you're officially dating him?!"

You could feel your face turning colors. "Zach... go... away..."

He shook his head, pressing even harder. "You shouldn't've left."

Eventually, the fight went out of you. You stopped trying to get out of his grip and let your eyes fall shut.

Ethan's POV

As soon as I got close to the orphanage, I saw flashing lights. I immediately got worried and sped up, ignoring the stop signs. I parked next to (Y/n)'s truck and quickly shut the car off, getting out of the car and racing inside.

Mr. O'Connell was talking to a paramedic, and so was... Zach.

I walked right up to Mr. O'Connell. "Where are they?"

He looked at me and hesitated. "Kate and Emerson are in the living room."

"What about (Y/n)!?" I yelled.

The paramedic widened his eyes. "You know the victim?"

I scrunched my eyebrows together. "Victim? What happened here?"

Mr. O'Connell took a deep breath. "Zach found (Y/n) passed out in the hallway." I turned my head to look at him, who narrowed his eyes and smirked at me.

I walked up to him. "You motherfucker." I was about to get close to him, but the two paramedics held me back.

"What's wrong with you?" Zach asked innocently.

I pushed the paramedics off of me. "Don't play that game with me. You know damn well what you did."

"Do you two know each other?" One of the paramedics asked me.

"Not really. I've just heard stories." I narrowed my eyes at him. "You're lucky that I won't break every one of your bones right now." I turned and walked towards the doors.

"W-where are you going?" Mr. O'Connell stuttered.

"To the ambulance to see my girlfriend." I put it simply. I threw the doors open and stomped towards the ambulance.

The doors to the back were open, and I could clearly see what was inside. A third paramedic sat next to (Y/n), taking her blood pressure. I walked closer, and she eventually noticed me and stopped what she was doing.

"I'm sorry, sir, but you can't come up here." She said. "Only immediate family is allowed."

I shook my head. "I'm her only immediate family, besides her daughter."

A raspy voice came from behind the paramedic. "Ethan?"

She glanced between me and (Y/n), before eventually nodding, silently giving me permission to get on.

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