Lunch With Family

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Your POV

"I'm gonna go down to the hospital cafeteria. Anyone wanna join me?" You asked everyone in the room. Ethan and Maddie both stood up and followed you out of the room into the elevator. You pushed the first floor button. The doors slowly closed, and you made the short descent to the cafeteria. Maddie and Ethan followed you out of the elevator into the large room. Maddie left to buy a small variety of food, while you and Ethan found a table for the three of you to sit at.

Ethan reached for your hand. "Hey." He said with a smile. You tried to smile back. He rubbed your knuckles with his thumb. "How are you doing? About this, I mean."

You shrugged. "As well as I could right now. I mean, he was my grandfather. And now he might die, it's just..." You sighed. "It's hard. For all of us. We saw him the most, and him and I were really close. He was like a best friend to me. I could always talk to him, no matter what time it was."

Ethan nodded. "It'll be okay. Even if he does pass away, you still have the memories of him."

You smiled slightly. "You're right. I need to remember the good, and forget about the bad." Maddie came back to the table with a small variety of different fruits in containers. You reached for the rasberries and began eating them. "Thanks, Maddie. I'll pay you back when I get the chance."

Maddie shook her head. "Don't worry about it. You've been put in a tough situation, even tougher than mine. You don't owe me anything." She smiled at you, and you smiled back.

"How long have you two known each other?" Ethan asked.

You thought for a second. "I honestly don't know. The earliest memory I have is the family reunion back in 2008. You know, the one at the waterpark?"

Maddie nodded. "I remember. You could not shut up about music." She turned to Ethan. "Seriously. She talked about Michael Jackson for a solid five minutes."

Ethan giggled, and you hid your blushing face in your hands. "Oh my God, can we not?" Maddie and Ethan laughed at your embarrassment, and you joined their laughter. "Hey, at least I wasn't talking about boys." You said when your laughter died down

Maddie grinned. "If you had seen the boys at my school, you would've understood." You rolled your eyes. "You know, I'm the one who got (Y/n) into YouTube and games."

Ethan widened his eyes in surprise. "Really?"

Maddie nodded. "I stayed the night at her house one time, and she caught me watching a video-I think it was a Reading Your Comments that Jack did. She watched it with me, and I showed her Jack and Mark's channels."

"So you found out about me on your own?" Ethan asked you.

You turned towards him and nodded. "I found out about most of the YouTubers that I watch on my own." Ethan smiled and grabbed your hand, entwining your fingers together.

Maddie raised an eyebrow. "Okay. Are you two dating?" You bit your lip, and Ethan looked nervous.

"We're... not out yet. But yes, we are. We're living together." Ethan said, turning to face Maddie.

She grinned. "That. Is. Awesome. And good job to you for breaking up with Zach. I never really trusted the guy-he sounded too good to be true."

You sighed. "You got that right."

The three of you talked for a couple more minutes until the food was gone. You and Maddie cleaned everything up, then met Ethan back at the elevator. You went back up to the waiting room, and you gasped when you saw a tall woman in the room, holding a baby in her arms and talking to your mom.

"Crystal?" You asked loudly. The woman turned to you and grinned.

"Hey, (Nickname)!" You laughed at your nickname. Crystal gave the baby to your mom and walked over to you, embracing you in a tight hug. "How long has it been? 3 months?" You giggled as you pulled away from each other.

She turned to Maddie. "Hey, Maddie! How's life?"

Maddie shrugged. "Going good, I guess. I started college last week, so there's that."

Crystal nodded. "What's your major?"

Maddie smiled. "I have two-music and theatre. I hope to become a Broadway star soon, and that'll help me."

Crystal smiled. "Well, good for you. At least you're doing something you love." She turned towards Ethan. "And who's this?"

I put my arm around Ethan's shoulders. "This is Ethan, my... friend." You winced slightly when you said that, and you thought Crystal caught it. "He came with me from LA to comfort me."

Maddie and Crystal gasped. "LA?" Maddie asked. "That's been, like, a dream come true for you! For us!"

"What are you doing there? Did you get enrolled into college?"

You shook your head. "No, but I've been to the UCLA Campus already. I'm... thinking about it, to say the least."

Crystal looked back at Ethan and stuck her hand out. "Well, then. Hi, Ethan. I'm Crystal, these two girls' much older cousin."

Ethan shook Crystal's hand. "Really? I thought you were their age."

Crystal grinned. "You charmer." She said as she pulled her hand back.

Your mom walked over, still holding the baby. You gasped. "Is that Destiny?" You asked excitedly.

Crystal nodded. "2 months old, as of next week!"

You smiled towards Destiny, who giggled back. "Can I hold her?" You asked softly.

Crystal grinned. "Of course."

You carefully took the baby into your arms and sat in a seat. "Hey, Destiny. It's me, your cousin." You whispered. She burbled back to you, and you grinned. "You are just the sweetest thing."

Crystal sat next to you. "Do you want to know why I named her Destiny?" You nodded and turned towards her. "That's what your father wanted to name you, before agreeing with your mother on (Y/n)."

You turned back to the baby in your arms, wearing a small smile.

I didn't mention this last chapter, but these hospital scenes are loosely based around my memories of my grandpa's death.

Love you all, and stay cranky!

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