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Ethan's POV

"So?" Tyler said to me as I walked into the office.

I chuckled. "So what?"

Kathryn grinned. "The baby! What gender is it?"

I smiled. "Oh yeah, that. It's a boy."

"And what's his name?" Tyler asked.

"Toby." I said with a smile. "Toby Nestor."

Kathryn squealed. "That's so amazing!  You two are gonna be the best parents!"

I nodded. "Yeah, I know. I better go edit, or something. Don't want Mark to get mad." I walked into the other room, sitting down in my editing space.

Amy walked in with iced coffee. "Morning, Ethan."

I smiled at her. "Morning, Amy. Is Mark recording?"

She nodded. "Yep. We set up the other recording room earlier today, so if you want to record something, you're more than welcome to."

I stood up. "Thanks." I walked past her, but before I could get too far, she grabbed my arm. I turned to look at her.

Her face was serious. "How'd the visit go?"

I smiled. "Great. Nothing's wrong with him."

Amy grinned. "It's a boy?" I nodded, and she hugged me. "Congrats, Ethan. I'm happy for you."

I hugged her back. "Thanks. It really means a lot."

Mark walked out of his recording room. "Hey, that's my girlfriend!"

Amy and I pulled away from each other, giggling. "Don't worry, Mark." Amy started. "You're the only one for me." Mark walked over to her and held her hand. "Besides-" she continued. "He's already taken."

Tyler and Kathryn walked in, each holding glasses of water. I smiled, walking to the spare recording room. "Yep. And by the best fiancee ever."

Tyler and Kathryn almost dropped their glasses just as I slipped inside the room, locking the door.

Your POV

*Buzz buzz*

You groaned, rolling to the other side of the bed. You picked up your phone and looked at it.

Incoming call: Peebles

You giggled and answered the call, sitting up in the bed.

"Hey, Amy." You said before yawning.

"Shoot, did I wake you up?"

You giggled again. "Yeah, but that's okay. I needed to get up at some point." You held in a yawn. "What's up?"

"Is it okay if Mark and I come over for a little bit?"

You raised an eyebrow. "What's the occasion?"

You could practically hear Amy's smile through the phone. "Nothing, really. Just coming to check in on you. We don't want you home alone if something happens."

You smirked. "Emerson's here with me, and she knows how to use a cellphone."

"B-but still. Can't we just say hi to a friend?" She stuttered.

You giggled. "Sure. Come on over. The door'll be unlocked."

"Okay. See you soon!" She ended the call.

You stood up from the bed, changing into a pair of sweats and one of Ethan's sweatshirts. You walked into the bathroom and put your hair into a messy bun, putting on a little bit of makeup and brushing your teeth. You walked out of the bathroom, grabbed your phone, and saw Emerson already downstairs, making breakfast for the two of you.

You smiled. "Em, go sit down. Let me make it."

She shook her head. "Nope, not doing it. I wanna do something for you, at least once."

You shook her head, pushing her away from the stove. "No. I promise, I'm fine. I can do something as simple as cook breakfast."

She groaned. "Fine."

You grinned. "Do you wanna know what you can do?" She nodded. "Go get dressed. You have school today, remember?." She groaned and ran upstairs to her room.

You laughed, shaking your head and flipping the pancakes and eggs. You just got finished and split everything onto four plates when Emerson came back downstairs.

You looked over her outfit- cowboy boots, jean shorts, a black tank top with a blue flannel over it, a little bit of makeup and her hair pulled into a fishtail braid.

"At least you'll be comfortable." She sat down at the table, and you put a plate in front of her. "Here, eat up before you leave." She nodded and began eating.

"When will they be here?" She asked as you set the other plates down at the table.

You shrugged. "When they get here. I told them to just walk in." You grabbed your plate and sat down, eating your serving of food.

"Okay, I gu- WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?!" She exclaimed, dropping her fork and grabbing your left hand. "It's pretty..."

"When did what happen?" The both of you turned towards the voice, seeing Mark standing in the doorway. He looked down at your hand, and he grinned. "Holy fuck."

Emerson let go of your hand, quickly standing up and hugging Mark. "God, I still can't believe that you're basically my uncle now."

Mark laughed and hugged Emerson back. "I don't know where you got that from, but okay."

Emerson pulled away and sat back down, quickly eating. You smiled at him. "Sit. I make you breakfast."

Amy walked in, smiling. "You didn't have to do that, (Y/n)."

You shrugged. "It was the least that I could do. You've both done so much for us. For me."

Amy and Mark both smiled and sat down at the table- Amy on your left, and Mark across from you.

Emerson grinned. "Mom, show it to Amy!"

You blushed. "Em, eat your food."

Amy smiled. "Show me what?"

Mark smirked. "The ring."

Amy gasped. "He did not!" Your blush deepened as you laid your hand out, showing Amy the ring. "Oh my gosh!" She squealed. "Oh, I'm so happy!"

"But, seriously, when did this happen?" Mark asks you, chewing his food.

You smiled. "Last night, after we left the doctor's office."

Amy grinned. "Tell us everything."

Emerson checked her phone, then stood up from the table. "Sorry, I can't listen. Margot's outside waiting for me." She put her plate in the sink, then walked over and hugged you. "Love you, mom. Bye!" She ran out the door.

Mark smiled. "That was cute."

Amy nodded. "Tell."

You sighed. "Well, we left the doctor's office, then went to the old park. We went past that to a hill that Ethan found. He proposed to me, and we stayed there, watching the sunset."

Amy squealed. "Aww, that's so cute!"

Mark nodded. "I didn't think he had the guts in him to do it, especially now, with the baby."

Amy grinned. "What's his name, by the way?"

You smiled, putting a hand on your stomach. "Toby."

"What's his full name?" Mark asked.

You grinned. "Toby Ethan Nestor."

Word Count: 1,103 (Yeah, I'm gonna be doing this now.)

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