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A couple weeks later
Your POV

"Babe, you need to go to the doctor." Ethan told you, clearly concerned about you.

"I told you, I'm fine." You replied, leaning your head against the bathroom wall.

"No, you're not." He said sternly. "I've been waking up to the sound of you throwing up since Friday. Something is wrong."

"I'm probably just sick, or something-"

"(Y/n)." Ethan said, cupping your face in his hands. You felt a tear roll down your face, and he softened his expression. "I'm sorry for snapping at you, but I'm worried about you. This is way more than a cold or something. You need to go to the doctor. Okay?" You took a couple deep breaths and nodded. "I'll make an appointment for today, okay?" You nodded again, and Ethan helped you up, walking you out of the master bathroom and back into bed
"Ms. (L/n), I believe you're pregnant."

You widened your eyes. "What? For how long?"

"About five weeks now." The doctor noticed your worried expression. "When was the last time you've had unprotected sex?"

You bit your lip. "The day before Halloween."

He nodded. "Which was about five weeks ago. Whoever you had it with is the other parent."

You shook your head. "This can't be happening."

The doctor chuckled. "Well, whether you like it or not, it's happening." He stood up from his chair. "I'll schedule an appointment for you to come back in about five months to get an ultrasound. Until then, goodbye."

You thought about the information you had just been told all the way to the office.

Pregnant? That can't be right. Right? Totally. He's wrong. Sooo wrong.

I hope.

You parked on the curb next to the office and walked inside, meeting Amy by the doorway.

"Hey!" She grinned. "How was the doctor visit?"

You shook your head. "Not good. Not good at all."

She gave you a confused look. "What's wrong?"

"I'll tell you in a little bit." You stopped in the doorway of the livestream room. "Go get Ethan, and bring him in here. I'll tell the both of you when you get here." Amy nodded and left to get Ethan.

A couple minutes later, Amy and Ethan walked into the room, sitting down on the couch. "Okay, what happened?" Amy asked.

"Before I tell you, you need to know something first." You took a deep breath. "Ethan, do you remember what happened at Kate's party?"

He nodded. "Yeah. I mean, we went through the haunted house, had a couple shots, then you sang that song, then we had a couple more drinks, then..." He thought for a moment. "Huh. I don't remember what happened after that."

You bit your lip. "Because you got drunk. We got drunk. Kate had to tell me what happened that morning."

"So? What happened?"

You sighed. "I... don't know how to explain it. You... I... we did the thing."

He scrunched his eyebrows together, as Amy sat there in shock. "What?" Was all he said.

"THE thing, Ethan." Amy described for him. "You know, 8th and 9th grade health class."

"Oh." Then he realized what she meant. He looked at you, eyes wide. "Oh."

You closed your eyes and took a deep breath.

"Guys, I'm pregnant."

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