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Ethan's POV

I quickly close the door behind me and walk towards her, my heart breaking even more every step. I sat down besides her and wrapped my arms around her.

"... I'm sorry..." She said quietly, still crying.

I rubbed her arms. "It's okay, babe. You were upset."

"I thought I stopped..." She curled into me.

I leaned my head onto hers. "It's hard to stop something like this. It's okay, I'm not upset." We sat in silence for a moment.

"Why?" I asked, breaking the silence. "What made you do this?"

She sniffed, wiping her face. "I... called mom when you left to go record. She... somehow found out about Emerson, and she yelled at me. She told me not to come home ever again, and that..." She started crying again.

I pulled away slightly and lifted her chin up so I could see her face. Her eyes were swollen and red, and steady streams of tears were falling down her face. "And what, babe? Please tell me."

She sobbed. "She said that I was a disgrace to the family."

I let that sink in for a moment before pulling her back in and resting my chin on her shoulder. "(Y/n), listen to me. You are the most amazing, beautiful, talented girl that I have ever met. I fell in love with you in so many ways. I wanted you to be happy- I always want you to be happy. Becoming a family... that was my choice, and your family hates you for it. That's not right."

She shook her head.

"I will personally talk to your mom to fix this. I'll tell her everything she needs to know, and I'll straighten things out. I want to fix this. I don't want you to be casted out by your own family. I don't want you to be upset. I'll get Iris, and she can come in here and talk to you. Okay?"

She pulled away and grabbed my hands. "Please... don't fight with them. I don't want things to get worse."

I smiled. "I promise I won't."

She let go. "... Be quick."

I kissed her forehead. "I will." I walked over to the door and slipped through.

Iris quickly appeared in front of me, giving me (Y/n)'s phone. "Here. The password's already put in for you. I'll talk to her while you talk to Karen." I nodded and took the phone, walking upstairs to the bedroom.

I quickly looked through her contacts, finding her mom's number and hitting the call button. It rang a couple times before she finally picked up.

"(Y/n), thank GOD! I'm SO SORRY I said that to you, I didn't mean it!"

I chuckled. "Well, at least that's taken care of."

She went silent for a moment. "You're not my daughter."

I smiled slightly. "Yeah, I'm not. Hi Mrs. (L/n), this is Ethan."

"Something happened, didn't it? Something happened, and that's why you're calling me."

"Yeah, something happened. It's nothing major, though. (Y/n)... she was really upset about the conversation the two of you had together. She... she cut herself."

She gasped. "Oh no! I didn't mean to make her upset! I was just mad because of a stupid reason!"

I bit my lip. "If she keeps going, she might hurt the baby."

She gasped even louder. "BABY!?"

I grinned. "Yeah. Almost 13 weeks now." The line went silent. "I probably know what you're thinking, so just hear me out." I paused for a second. "Starting a family... that was my decision. (Y/n) told me how much she wanted children and... I gave her one. I gave her Emerson. I'll do anything to make her happy, and Emerson made her happy. But having an actual child wasn't planned. We were drunk when it happened, so the next thing I knew, she was pregnant."

She was silent for a moment. "Wow." She finally said. "You... really love her."

I nodded. "Yeah. I already have the ring to prove it."

"You WHAT?!"

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