Vengeance Avenged - Avengers & (f)Stark!Reader

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Words: 2528
Pairing: Avengers & Stark!Reader
Featuring: Pietro, Wanda, Cap, Tony, others mentioned
Warnings: mentions kidnapping, experimenting on humans, angst, swearing
Requested by supernatural508
Summary: You, Tony Stark's daughter, were kidnapped by HYDRA. In your early days, you meet some interesting people. And a year later, they return.
Author's Note: Kind of different from my normal stuff, but this was a request I was definitely intrigued in. It does talk about kidnapping and experimenting, but nothing graphic.



You sat in the corner of a dark, wet, old cell. You were hugging your knees trying to stay as far away as you could from the people around you, not wanting to talk to anyone. You were scared and even though it had been a year of you being stuck here, you still knew nothing. Only being seventeen, this meant you wouldn't get to do the things you wanted to do with your life. You were ripped from your family and had no idea if you would ever see them again.

You focused your eyes on the square in the center of the cell lit by the window. There were tear stains on your cheeks, but you were accustomed to it, and it no longer bothered you. You tried to work through everything in your mind, but nothing made sense. For a year, these evil people have tried to experiment on you and change you. They wanted to make you a super-soldier that fought for them and eventually hurt all the Avengers. You would be stronger than any Avenger and could take down anyone that the people instructed you to.

But they couldn't break into you. After a year, they couldn't get past your brain and change it. Something was blocking it and protecting you, and almost every other day, they tried something new. It was tiring, and you just wanted to be done with it. But you knew that wouldn't be as easy as you wished.

"Hey," You heard. You jumped when you heard the deep voice. "Are you okay?"

You shook your head, indicating that no, you are not okay. You tried to open your mouth to talk, but nothing came out. Honestly, you weren't actually sure you could talk anymore. "Well, hi, I'm Pietro. I'm one of the two volunteers that survived the experiments."

Why would anyone volunteer to be experimented on?

You croaked out your name, your voice hoarse and barely audible. You shifted a little to move away from him, but not enough that he noticed.

"So I've heard. You're the important person that was brought here a year ago, correct?" Pietro asked, and you simply nodded. "Why are you so important, if you don't mind me asking?"

You shrugged, and your eyes became teary again. "My father," You whispered. "They took me because of my father. They want to get back at him, and they keep trying to work on me, but they can't get my brain to do what they want it to do," You explained. This was the most you had talked since you first arrived at this horrible place. "I just want to be able to hug him again."

"Who's your dad?"

"Pietro!" A woman snapped, hitting his shoulder. "I'm Wanda, his sister. I'm so sorry about him, I can tell you're not comfortable talking to us. We just thought you could use a friend right now, and now that you're finally in our block, it was maybe the right time. But if you don't want to talk, that's okay," Wanda rambled on, smiling every once in a while. You noted that she had a kind smile, but also looked hurt underneath.

"No, it's okay. It's...nice to be able to talk to someone for once," You confessed. Taking a deep breath, all the memories of your father were coming into your mind, and you couldn't help but smile. You haven't smiled like that in over a year. "My father, he's a great man. He turned around his ways and went from making weapons to helping save people and the world. It's insane how much he has changed, and I look up to him so much. He's been through a lot, but he just keeps going. Which is a big reason why I keep going. I was kidnapped a year ago while traveling with my dad, just so these evil people could get at him. And it sucks because he was just trying to save the world from these people, only to have me get taken away from him because of it."

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