Marvelmas (11/13) - December 23 - Clint Barton & Reader

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Words: 1062
Pairing: Barton Family & Reader
Featuring: The Barton Family, Loki, Thor, Natasha
Warnings: none
Summary: Do you wanna build a snowman? With Clint and family!
Author's Note: getting close to the end!



"Go get them!" Your eyes shot open when you heard your door open, Clint's voice following.

Before you had any time to react, there was a bunch of screaming filling your ears."Wake up! Wake up!" As well as jumping on your bed.

You sat up to find Cooper and Lila Barton jumping around, and Nathaniel slowly crawling in. "Wow, you guys are here early!" You hugged them. The Barton kids loved you, and they hated that they don't get to see you as much anymore. You babysat for Clint and Laura when you just started as an Avenger, as you were inexperienced and would probably die out on the field. That, and Clint liked you the most, so he trusted you to watch his kids when he needed it.

"Yeah, the plane left early!" Lila jumped up, a big smile on her face.

"Actually, we just got a better flight," Laura walked in. "Good to see you again," She smiled.

"You too; it's been far too long," You told her as you rolled out of bed.

"Well, we should let you get ready," She started, "Come on, guys, let's leave them alone for a bit." Once Laura tried to drag her children out, they began to complain.

"Oh, don't worry, (Y/N) will be here all day. I say we go wake Auntie Nat," Clint smirked, and with a few screams of yes! they were all out the door, including the crawling baby.

You walked over to pick out your clothes for the day as you listened to what was going on next to your room. "Nat!" Was being shouted over and over to wake her up, followed by screams of terror.

"Oh, it's just you guys," She said.

"You sleep with a gun?" Clint shouted.

"You don't?" Natasha replied, she was always ready.


As you were helping Lila make a snow fort, you felt something cold touch your back. You almost fell on the snow fort when it hit you, and your jaw dropped. "Did you throw a snowball at me?"

"It was Nate!" Cooper pointed to his little brother sitting next to him, trying to pick up snow. Nathanial showed a big smile and threw snow up in the air, and tried to make a snowball, but it ended up falling apart.

"Mhm, I'm sure he was able to cook that up," You sighed. "I think we should keep everything civil here, and instead of fighting, let's make a snowman," You offered, getting nods from Lila and Cooper and a few babbles from Nathanial.

"Great!" You stood up, "Start rolling snow, guys," You directed and watched the group of kids start piling up snow.

"What is going on? I hear laughter!" Thor opened the door from the base to see you and the kids messing around.

"Clint's kids and I are building a snowman since Clint wanted some time with Laura to-" You went to a whisper, "Wrap presents."

"A snowman?" Thor boomed, "Remember when I said we would do that together?" Thor crossed his arms.

To be honest, you completely forgot about Thor's request to build a snowman with you, but you weren't going to let him know that. "Of course, I was just about to come get you!"

"All right," Thor nodded, laughing at you, "Let us make a man of snow!"

Thor walked over to the three kids to help them, as they were having trouble. Lila and Cooper were trying to roll snow that was about half the size of them, and if they didn't look where they were going, they would probably run over their baby brother. Nathaniel believed he was helping by picking up tiny bits of snow and slapping it on the side, laughing every time he did so.

You smiled as Thor helped the two roll the snow into a ball and stacked the smaller one on top. It was obvious that everyone was getting cold and tired, especially Nathaniel, as he started crying. You ran over and picked him up, holding him close so he would be warmer.

"This is so cool!" Lila yelled when all the pieces of the body were stacked on top of one another.

"But he needs more features," Cooper looked around the outside for things he could add to the snowman. He ran over and picked up a few rocks to use for the eyes and smile, as well as two sticks for the arms. Lila ran inside and grabbed a carrot from the kitchen, and came out with something much shinier.

"I couldn't find a top hat, but I found this gold hat!" She held up what she had, showing that she did in fact, have Loki's helmet.

"It's perfect! Our snowman can be an Avenger too!" Cooper took the helmet from his sister and handed it to Thor so that he could place it on top of the snowman.

"Guys, I don't know if this is such a good idea..." You mumbled, but they didn't listen to you; there were just many cheers when the snowman was complete.

Before you could take away the helmet from them, the door to the facility opened. "You've been out there a bit long, and it's getting cold, why don't you all come inside and we'll watch a movie?" Clint called to his family and friends.

"Daddy, look at our snowman!" Lila yelled and pointed toward what they had made.

"Is that Loki's-"

"Let's get inside, gang!" You walked towards the door, hoping to distract before getting everyone in trouble for using something of Loki's. Eventually, everyone did go inside to warm up and calm down, and you had a ton of fun looking after the Barton children. It had been far too long since you had seen them, and you were excited that they came for Christmas.

"Sorry you didn't get much of me today. I know I was on your list," Clint sighed as he sat down next to you. You had Nathaniel sitting on your lap, half asleep, so Clint was quiet.

"It's okay; I like your kids better than you anyway," You smirked, making fun of him.

"That's nothing new," Clint lightly punched your shoulder.

"Has anyone seen my helmet?" Loki stomped into the room with his arms crossed.

You shrugged and looked back at him. "No, no idea where it could be."

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