Marvelmas (3/13) - December 15 - Natasha Romanoff & Reader

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Words: 1149
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Warnings: none

Summary: Time to go Christmas shopping with Natasha!

Author's Note: yasssss. I hope you guys are liking this series as much as I am!!



You slept past your alarm on accident. Yesterday, with all the running around the huge base, you were exhausted by the time you went to bed. Steve was too, but he didn't have another person to meet up with today.

Luckily, you had a half-hour before you had to find Natasha, your victim for the day. So you rushed to get ready to leave the base, hoping she wouldn't forget. You threw on a comfortable outfit and left as quickly as possible, getting to the meeting spot with barely any time to spare.

"You good?" Natasha laughed when she saw you run in.

"Yeah, just thought I was late!"

With Natasha snickering, you knew something was up. "What?" You asked.

"I knew you were going to sleep in. I mean, look at this place!" She gestured around to all the decorations. "So, I set your clock forward an hour to make sure you would be here before planned. Plus, I'm really curious about what we're doing," She admitted.

"Natasha!" You scolded but laughed. It was a good idea, as you did end up sleeping in much longer than you planned. "Don't do it again, but we're going Christmas shopping."

"Shopping? Uh, why?" She gave a confused look.

You grinned. "We both need to get out of the base and have some calming shopping," You determined, "Plus, we need to buy gifts for everyone!"

Natasha raised an eyebrow, "How do you know I haven't done that already?"

"Because I know," You crossed your arms, getting a nod in response to what you said. "Now, stop complaining, and let's go."

You grabbed her hand and pulled her up, making her follow you out to the cars. You told her you would drive and took one of Tony's cars. Turning on the holiday station in the car, you started to scream along to the song that was on, and Natasha couldn't resist it and joined in on the scream-singing with you. 

You drove to the mall, ready to get everyone gifts. You were behind on your shopping, so at least you had someone to do it with you, which was nice. It made going out in the cold much more bearable.

"Toy store or clothes store?" You asked, contemplating which would be a better choice for your team members.

"I feel like they'll find it funnier if we buy toys. And then we can buy everyone a more 'serious' gift," Natasha nodded. "Toys are more fun; let's go there."

"What if we got Tony a set of Avengers action figures?" You smirked as the two of you walked into the popular and surprisingly less crowded store. That's what happens when you go on a Thursday while school is still in session.

"I bet he would love them, probably more than any other present anyone could get him," Natasha nodded, sounding much more serious about getting Tony some action figures.

"We splitting up?" You turned to her as she admired the colorful store.

"In a half-hour, bring back whatever you can find to make a good present for anyone on the team. Go!" Natasha shouted, and both of you took off running in different directions.

You started to think about your team members and how each of them differed. There were so many different personalities in one group; it was kind of insane how everyone managed to get along most of the time. 

Thinking about Bucky, you grabbed a Nerf Gun, which seemed to follow his personality well. You had a few ideas for some of your team, but the other half appeared to be much harder to buy for. You were going to have to act on your gut feeling when it got to them, but this would be more of a challenge than you first suspected.

The half-hour went by quickly. Given, it was only a half-hour, but you still struggled. You bought everything without showing Natasha, as she did the same. Your gifts were hidden in the many bags you held, and you went outside to meet Natasha. She suggested lunch; then you could laugh about what each other got.

The two of you ended up at some random restaurant nearby. It also wasn't too busy, and it was easy to hear one another, which meant it was the perfect place to show your funny gifts. Well, except for the one you got for each other.

"I got Clint a Barbie; he's wanted one ever since Lila started talking about them," Natasha started, "So I got him one!"

"How thoughtful, Nat," You laughed, "I mean, I got him a Lego set, but yours is so much better!" You cheered. "I got Cap a toy motorcycle."

"That's a good one too. I got him an Iron Man figure," She grinned. "We are so good at this!"

"Oh, just the best! We're going to have the best presents there that every other present will never reach our level of expertise," You threw your hands up, speaking fancy, like a voice Tony would mimic you with.

More of the gifts consisted of getting Tony a toy science set so he could build his engineering skills, a bird plush for Sam, and a toy Mjolnir for Thor so everyone could be worthy. Loki was staying in the Avengers Base, as he's trying to better his habits, so you even got him a gift. It included a Black Widow Halloween costume, as Natasha has warned him many times that if he touches any of her stuff, he's dead. There have been many threats made, all coming from Natasha.

"So, do you think we have to get everyone other presents? Or will the toys cut it?" You asked.

Natasha shrugged. "Honestly, I think the toys will do it. Everyone is going to get everyone "normal" presents, so why not throw some fun into the mix?" Natasha reasoned.

"That sounds like a perfect plan. You're going to love what I got you, and if you don't, I'm going to make you love it. Because I do," You smirked, knowing saying that would annoy her.

"You can't just tell me that then not let me know what you got me!" She yelled at you.

"You only have to wait ten days, don't worry!" You cried out, a hint of laughter in your voice.

"I am a trained assassin who can injure you, to the point of which you do not want to know, with one touch; do not try me," Natasha threatened.

"New flash, Nat, I'm a trained assassin too and probably know what trick you're referring to, so let's not try that. Now, want to use Tony's money for lunch or what?" You held up Tony's credit card, making Natasha laugh and nod her head. He would probably be mad at you for taking it, but who could get angry when you got him a science kit?

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