The Parker Twins BTS: The Thanksgiving Purge (3/3)

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Words: 1226
Pairing: Peter Parker & twinsister!Reader
Featuring: May Parker, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts
Warnings: swearing
Summary: The Parker family is invited to a Thanksgiving meal for some very important conversations.
Author's Note:  This little universe is so much fun. There's a mention of Everything Has Changed by Taylor Swift at the end of the fic!



"Pepper and I would like to invite the Parker Family to our Thanksgiving feast," You read the letter aloud. "Oh, Tony's inviting us over for food."

"It also says the past few months of knowing you guys have been great, and having everyone over for Thanksgiving feels like it could show that I really am thankful for you guys," Peter continued. "What a sap."

May chuckled. "So basically, he's saying you're doing a good job with your powers, and this is to show that I like what you're doing, so let's celebrate it and don't change anything?" She teased.

"Hey, for the record, I barely use mine. Peter's the one who's all eager to fight some bad guys," You argued. Once May found out about Peter and your powers, she freaked out. But after finally getting through to her, she relaxed a bit. Knowing Tony Stark was looking out, and having some priorities, it was easier for her to accept it. Of course, she still worried; she's May Parker.

May patted your back and laughed. "Well, I guess we're obligated to go!"

" want to go to Thanksgiving with Tony Stark?" Peter asked.

"Why not? He offered, we should all spend a day to remember how good we do have it," May told the two of you. "It would be nice."

You put your hand over your eyes and sighed. "Okay, but when everything goes crazy, I put all blame on you." 


With a turkey in the middle of the table surrounded by what seemed a million sides, it felt like Tony Stark was trying to feed an army. Apparently, some Avengers that were still part of his team had some work to do on the holiday, but he hoped they would make it back to catch some food before the end of the day. 

Everyone chatted about random things, and as of right now, Tony, Pepper, and May were in a deep conversation about washing red clothes with white clothes. "My white dresses have turned pink due to this man not looking when he throws his clothes!" Pepper groaned. "I can't believe I'm engaged to him."

May chuckled. "You wouldn't believe how many times I sort through the twin's clothes to make sure everything is how it should be. But every once in a while, a red sock manages to get in. And there is only one person in the family who wears red socks," May sighed. 

"Peter," You said at the same time she did.

Everyone laughed a little, and you looked across the table to your twin. "Hey, so they're having a deep conversation; let's have our own," You decided. "I want to fit in."

Slowly, the three began to quiet down as they listened to your conversation. "All right. What?" Peter asked and took a bite of his food.

"What would you do if the Purge happened?" You asked. You have been thinking about it ever since you saw a post online and have come up with the perfect plan.

Peter shrugged and took another bite. "I don't know. Probably try to protect you and May and hide from everyone else. You know, save all the ones I love and try not to die," Peter said. "What about you?"

"I would go to Chipotle," You stated, getting a strange look from Peter. "Guac isn't extra bitches!" You shouted, making the adults stop their conversation entirely and look at you like you were insane. "What? If I'm going to inevitably die in the purge, I'm going out in a good way."

"I guess you have a point," Tony nodded. "But think about it. You have powers; you could probably survive-"

"Teleportation powers. So I could go to Chipotle, get my free guac, then be home and safe in a snap. I've got this planned down to the second, guys; I know how this will work."

The table laughed while you groaned. "I'm being serious; this is important to me!"

"I'm glad that that is something you're serious about," May chuckled.

"Priorities," You nodded.


 May and Pepper giggled as they looked at pictures on May's phone. "Peter went as Iron Man once for Halloween. While (Y/N) was a guitar," May smiled and swiped to another picture. "Awe! This was their eighth birthday. (Y/N) threw a piece of cake at Peter and missed his face. To make her happy, he smashed his face in the cake in front of him," May squealed.

"That's so adorable," Pepper smiled. "Twins are interesting but so very fun."

May nodded quickly. "There's a lot of fun things that go on in a life revolving around twins. (Y/N) is seven minutes older and will never let Peter forget it, always saying she is the wiser twin and knows more than him. She will say the "when I was your age..." line and state something she did seven minutes prior. It's always fun to watch them chase each other around the apartment when they fight...not," May commented. "But like the cake thing, Peter always looks out for (Y/N) and always wants to make her happy."

"Are you looking at adorable pictures of us?" You popped up and tried to look on May's phone.

"I'm more adorable," Peter nodded, popping up next to you.

Making both of the girls laugh, they nodded. "Yeah, look at this one! The first day of sixth grade!" May turned the phone around.

"Uh...why are (Y/N)'s teeth blue?" Pepper raised her eyebrow.

"She ate three packages of fun dip as soon as she woke up. She demanded that she needed the energy, and the blue fun dip always works," Peter said. "She ate so much candy that she nearly threw up."

You nodded, remembering the day fondly. "Good times."

The two of you ended up on the couch now as well, and Tony finally rejoined the group. Once again, the adults ended up in an important conversation, except that this time it was about the best kind of gingerbread, obviously one of the more life-threatening topics.

But alas, now you and Peter were stuck to looking at nostalgic pictures alone. May's Facebook page had what seemed to be thousands of pictures of you and your twin, so you could reflect on everything for as long as you wanted. 

"There's a video!" Peter gasped and took the phone from your hand, pressing play. Watching intently, you noticed it was of your room with your door slightly cracked, and the song Everything Has Changed by Taylor Swift lightly playing. You were singing along quietly, but May happened to catch the moment.

"I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now. I just want to know you, know you, know you-" The video stopped abruptly, and it moved onto the next picture. Your jaw was dropped in embarrassment and your face turned red.

"That was great," Peter smiled. "For real. And if you think about it, the song kind of works with our lives. Because that song is about how her life gets flipped upside down when falling in love with someone, while ours got flipped upside down when we got powers. Think about it...everything really has changed," Peter rambled on.

You stared at him for a moment, then quickly shut your mouth, going to punch his shoulder. "Goddamn, you're a fucking sap."

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