I Can Do Better Than That - Tony Stark x (f)Reader

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Words: 1071
Pairing: Tony Stark x (f)Reader
Warnings: Sex mentioned, a few innuendos, swearing
Summary: Based on I Can Do Better Than That from The Last Five Years, you convince Tony to go on a road trip. He wants to hear you tell a story, and it turns into chaos.
Author's Note: I love this musical and I love tony stark. Tony is Jamie and Y/N is Cathy so that's the dynamic we're following of the song :D



"Come on, Tony, have some fun!" You begged, "Forget the plane. Let's make it a road trip."

"It'll take us all day to get there," Tony groaned.

"Exactly, that's why I'm telling you that we're driving a day ahead. That way, we make it there on time for tomorrow's dinner party," You started, "There is no getting out of this. I've already packed your bag, and I'll cry if you say no."

"Fine!" Tony groaned; he always gave into you.

You squealed and grabbed his hand, pulling him to the cars. "We have to get going if we want to get there on time!"

Tony laughed at how excited you were, "Alright, let's get going then."

The car chosen was a convertible that Tony loved to drive. You thought the ride would involve a lot of talking, but for the first hour, it was quiet. The radio was on quietly as the both of you admired the beautiful world around you.

"Tell me a story," Tony asked out of the blue.

"What do you want a story about?" You asked with a little laugh.

"You never told me why you moved to New York. Why did you?" He asked.

You chuckled, "Okay, get this," You smiled to get ready for your story, "My best friend had a little situation at the end of our senior year," You put your hand on your stomach to explain what that little situation was.

Tony laughed, "Glad it wasn't you."

You rolled your eyes, "I'm sure there's an eleven-year-old looking for you, their dad," You raised your eyebrow.

"I deserved that."

"Yeah, okay, so, they ended up getting married that summer before the baby came, and they got a little cute house, on a little cute street, but it was like a really typical life that I didn't want," You continued to explain.

"That's why I'm a billionaire, not typical," Tony bragged, and you hit his arm.

"So I made my best friend a cute baby sweater, and the entire time I was thinking, 'I can do better than that,'" You nodded as you remembered your high school days.

"Did you do better than that?"

"I'm getting there," You put your hand up, "After about a year, I moved to the city to get my shot at not a typical life."

"I feel like there's a but coming up," Tony suggested.

"Kind of, now be quiet. I'm telling a story," You slapped his arm.


"I met a guy in a class I was taking with some very well-placed tattoos," You made your eyebrows dance, "Speaking of which, if you want to get a tattoo, I am so down."

"I don't want a tattoo," He laughed, looking at you for a second.


"Tell your story, come on," Tony was one to always have to get you back on track, and it sometimes worked.

You nodded, "Okay, well, he wouldn't leave me alone until I went with him to dinner and- bam! We went back to my apartment, and things escalated quickly."

"Do I want to know?" Tony rolled his eyes.

Ignoring your boyfriend, you continued on. "So I guess he was cute, and I guess he sweet, and I guess he was good in bed-"

Tony gasped at what you said, interrupting you. "But not better than me, right?"

You made a straight face; not sure how to reply. Of course, Tony was great, but you thought it would be fun to mess with him. "I don't know about that..."

"You're joking," Tony groaned, "I'm amazing!"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night."

"Babe!" Tony yelled, obviously a little aggravated with you.

You stayed quiet for a second, pausing the story. But after Tony's face got completely red and he looked like an angry little man, you gave in. "Yes, fine, you're better than him!"

Tony gave a little cheer, getting distracted. He leaned over to give you a kiss, his eyes leaving the road multiple times. "Tony, just drive!"

"Just one kiss!" Tony yelled.

By now, you were refusing the kiss. "Drive!"

Tony groaned and gave up his attempt for a kiss and fell back into his seat, focusing on the road. Alas, he was pouting. "Tell your damn story."

You laughed and got back to talking. "So basically, after giving up my life for the better part of the year, I thought it might start to work. And I swear, the second it entered my head, he told me he needed to take some time off and focus on his "career"- whatever it was, and he blew me off with a heartfelt letter." You told Tony,. It wasn't your best moment. But if you weren't left, you never would have met Tony.


"And I thought, 'I can do better than that.'" You nodded, looking to Tony.

Your boyfriend looked down at himself and back up to you. "Did you do better than that?"

You laughed. "Look, you don't have to get a haircut-"

"Wasn't going to."

You ignored the interruption yet again. "You don't have to change your shoes-"

"But I have so many pairs."

This time you laughed; he actually made a funny comment. "You don't have to like Duran Duran-"

"That's because AC/DC is better."

Shaking your head, you smiled at him. "Just love me."

"I do love you! With all my heart! You're one of the best things that's happened to me. Now, will you answer my damn question if you did better than that?"

"Yes, Tony, I did do better than that," You reassured him, "I found a pretty great boyfriend."

He smiled, redeeming himself from your earlier comments. Tony was thinking about the memories your relationship has already made, and how nice it was going. He just hoped that it would last.

"And guess what," You pulled him out of a daydream.


You leaned over and kissed his cheek, then sat back down. "I want you, and you, and nothing but you! Miles and piles of you!"

"You're in luck. I'm Tony Stark, and my name is literally everywhere." Tony smirked.

"Okay, smartass. Nevermind."

"I'm just kidding!" Tony screeched, "I love you!"

You crossed your arms playfully and looked away from him, "Tony," You said after a few moments of silence.

Tony mumbled in response, waiting for you to continue.

You smiled as you watched the trees go by. "We can do better than that."

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