Loki Laufeyson needing cuddles during a thunderstorm would include...

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Words: 810
Author's Note: 5/6 forgotten headcanons! It's Loki's turn :) I relate to Loki. Thunderstorms scare the shit out of me. Especially in the middle of the night. It takes place before Thor 1, so Loki wasn't evil, and everyone was still friends. Takes place in Asgard. 

Originally posted on Tumblr on May 18, 2017.


- You have been friends with Thor and Loki since you were kids.

- Because let's say your parents were close with Odin and Frigga because of some like royal connection or whatever, just roll with it.

- So, naturally, you lived in the palace.

- And after years and years, you and Loki started to date.

- You've been dating for a few months now but still have separate rooms.

- But #sleepovers.

- Loki may be the (adopted) (does he even know that yet?) brother of the god of thunder, but Asgard gets terrible storms.

- So it's been raining for a while now.

- And everyone has been ok because it's just rain.

- But it's the middle of the night, and everyone is supposed to be asleep when it turns into a thunderstorm.

- Loki cannot sleep.

- He is freaking out.

- Just because his brother loves thunder does not mean he does.

- He detests it.

- It scares him, and he hates it.

- But he couldn't tell anyone that when he was little, he would have been made fun of!

- So he's suffered through the fright for who-knows-how-many years, rocking in his room, unable to sleep, trying to block out the noise.

- Loki is sitting on his bed with his knees up to his chest, balancing a pillow on them with his head pushed against it.

- He's so insanely tired but cannot sleep at a time like this.

- You wake up to the loud thunder and decide: well, since you're awake with little hope of falling back asleep until hours pass, you go to the bathroom and then to get something to drink.

- Which you pass by Loki's room a few times.

- The first time you see his light on and decide the storm probably woke him up as well, and he would go back to sleep soon enough.

- But when you pass by again, there is a green light coming from the door.

- He doesn't use his tricks, especially at night when no one is around. He typically uses them when he helps Thor fight or is playing jokes on everyone else, but it was strange to see this.

- You knocked on the door, and he was hesitant to reply.

- So you went inside.

          - "Loki? What's going on?"

          - *things off shelves flying around the room, and he has a pillow stuffed in his face.*

          - "Loki, what's wrong?"

          - "Dear- It's... it's nothing."

          - "Please don't lie to me. I'm here for whatever you need."

- Loki slowly tells you about his fear of thunderstorms. You, being the best, didn't make fun of him like he thought you would. Instead, you hugged him.

          - "You're not...laughing?"

          - "Of course not. Why would I? Plenty of people have fears, that should not be laughed at."

          - "Because I'm the god of thunder's brother."

          - "So? You and Thor are completely different people. Who knows, maybe he's scared of tricks."

- Loki was actually smiling after you said that.

- He, sadly, was not prepared for this amount of love to come from spilling his biggest fear.

- He was kind of happy you knew...now he could have someone to comfort him if he needed it when there were storms.

- And you had to agree with him; the storms in Asgard get pretty intense.

          - You asked him how long he's had this fear.

          - "I don't know...ever since I was a kid?"

           - "LOKI!"

          - he's confused why you're upset.

          - "We were best friends as kids! We grew up together! And you never told anyone? Does your father even know?"

          - "Only you, my dear. I was afraid it would give everyone a reason to laugh."

- You proceeded to slap Loki.

- Looking outside, it did not appear that the storm would be stopping anytime soon.

          - "Well, it looks like neither of us will be getting sleep with this storm, Loki; what should we do?"

          - "We could cuddle."

           - Silence and a smirk from you- "Did the trickster just propose we cuddle?" 

          - "Well, unless you don't-"

          - "OF COURSE I DO SHUSH."

- Tada

- You and Loki cuddle through the storm, playing word games and talking about anything that came across your minds.

- He plays with your hair; you play with his.

- He shows you how he's learned new things with his magic, like drawing with green in the air.

- He draws a heart.

- While his heart is beating fast.

fuckkkkkk, I think I love yn.

- fuckkkkkk, I think I love loki.

But no one says anything.

- And both of you are slowly drifting off.

- Blinks are becoming longer as you listen to the sounds of rain and thunder.

- Words become less understandable as you both begin to fall asleep.

- Loki wakes up before you the next morning with you in his arms, a smile instantly coming across his face when he is reminded that you did not laugh at him and that he loves you

- he loves you.

- And shit, he is in deep.

That-Sokovian-Bastard // Avengers (& other) ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang