I Never Planned On You - Pietro Maximoff x Stark!(f)Reader

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Words: 2607
Pairing: Pietro Maximoff x Stark!(f)Reader
Featuring: Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff
Warnings: swearing, yelling
Requested by anon
Summary: Based on I Never Planned on You from Newsies, you are Tony Stark's daughter, but use a different name in the professional world. When you visit Avenger's Tower, the secret gets harder to keep.
Author's Note: Very much so based off the Newsies show, from the song to when Jack finds out Katherine's secret. Also, like Katherine, you're a journalist!



You liked to keep it a secret that you are a Stark. Tony, as the parent, was more than happy to carry on the Stark name to make something of himself and honor his parents. But as his child, you had more freedom. You did not want to be bound to the Stark name and seen as "Tony Stark's daughter" or "another Stark" because that isn't who you are. You knew you were one-hundred-percent capable of making it on your own, hence why you used a different last name when working.

It wasn't important that you are a Stark. It was nice not to get compared to Tony as being merely the child, and you had more recognition than you would have had if you kept the Stark name. But that didn't change the love you had for your father, as you and him at least text every day.

It was funny when they did compare you, though. Your company did not have the size the Stark did, but it was getting there.

"Jeremy," You called out to your assistant, and he walked quickly inside your office.

"Yes?" He asked as he stood at your door.

"When do we leave for my jet?" You asked. Your name may not be as big as the full Stark name, but the Stark name is a really big thing, so you were a decent size. And to many surprises, you are able to have your own plane.

"About two hours, Miss," Jeremy smiled after looking at his schedule.

There was a laugh from the corner of the office. "I never understood why you're going on a trip to New York. And to Stark Tower of anything! The businesses don't even mix; why are you making such an important trip there?" Your HR manager, Caroline, asked. She was the one who asked when your flight left.

"We're always compared to see who will one-up the other next. I am merely going on a trip there to get some inside scoop from Tony Stark himself and see if I can find some juicy gossip for the magazine. Maybe Pepper's pregnant!" You squeaked out and got strange looks from Jeremy and Caroline.

Caroline laughed as she stood up to leave your office. "Just get an important scoop we can use in the next issue," She told you.

"I always do!" You called, and she shut the door to your office.


You were preparing yourself during the flight to New York. Your company was based out of California, as you and Tony lived there before he relocated his Avengers to New York, but the distance never stopped the two of you.

Jeremy talked to you about your schedule on the car ride to the tower. "We will be staying at the nicest hotel-"

"Unnecessary. Tony will be providing rooms for the both of us," You started, getting a strange look from your assistant. "He offered."

Jeremy gave a strange look. "Oh, uh, okay," He scratched a few things down on his paper. "I wasn't aware you two were close."

"Oh yeah," You nodded, "We're very close. Best friends, even. But don't tell anyone that; the fact that everyone thinks we're rivals is hilarious," You told your assistant.

Jeremy opened his mouth to say something, but the car stopped, and the driver turned back to tell you you had arrived. As soon as you opened your door, you heard your name being screamed. You weren't expecting Tony, as the two of you talked about not doing this as it would have caused too much attention, but you didn't stop Natasha.

That-Sokovian-Bastard // Avengers (& other) ImaginesWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu