Mythical Creature - Avengers & Reader (Drabble)

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Words: 568

Pairing: Avengers & Reader

Characters: Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Thor Odinson

Summary: You and Tony are on a mission: find a creature neither of you know anything about. Bruce can't seem to understand why you two need it so badly.

Authors Note: This was for a little challenge where you write for 15 minutes! This is what I came up with :) (Y/N) is a scientist with Tony and Bruce, but can also control fire.



"Do you have the hair?" Tony asked you when he saw you walk into the lab after a long day of work. You had been running errands, collecting supplies, and jotting down ideas while trying to locate another HYDRA base.

"No, because seriously, where do you get the hair of a mythical creature?" You glared over at Tony, causing Bruce to laugh.

"What are you two talking about?" Bruce interjected, "Are you calling Thor a mythical creature again?"

"Not today, green guy," You walked over to him, "Tony and I are trying to track down an animal that could be critical to the Avengers," You started, "Yet, this animal is nowhere to be found- so it's like he's mythical!" You groaned and fell back into your swivel chair.

"Can you explain why we need this animal?"

"The animal's hair could help make them a durable suit for all they do," Tony explained and gestured towards you, but it just resulted in Bruce giving off a confused look.

"What he means is that this animal's hair can withstand fire and intense heat," You sighed, "And since I control fire, I give off intense heat and burn through most the suits Tony has tried to make me. So, we found this animal and have concluded that we need it- then I could finally start helping on missions." You tried to tell Bruce quickly, not really sure if anything that came out of your mouth made any sense.

"What animal is it?" Bruce asked, and Tony handed over the sketch of the animal.

"I've never even heard or seen of this. Are we even sure it's real?" Bruce studied the photo.

You groaned, "There have been a few sightings of the animal, but they're very endangered and rare. I'm going to start calling it the Lockness Monster."

"Wait, if they're endangered, then why are you hunting it down?" Bruce was very confused about this subject but was also very curious.

"It's not like we're going to kill it," Tony explained, "It's a small animal; we can keep it as a pet or even let it roam free once we get its hair. We won't even hurt it."

Bruce nodded, "I think we should ask Thor if he's seen anything like this in Asgard," He started, "I mean, you do call him his own type of mythical creature every once in a while." Bruce said and caused you and Tony to join in on the laughing too.

"Yeah, that could be an option," You nodded and turned back around to your computer to look up the animal's name again.

"Well, in other news, did you find any information that could be useful?" Tony walked over to where you were and grabbed your notebook.

"Nope, just that the warehouse we thought was abandoned wasn't actually abandoned-"

"Peasants!" Thor's voice boomed from the door of the room, "I found this furry rat outside of the tower. Is it yours?" Everyone's heads quickly looked at Thor, and you let out an aggravated scream.

"How did you even manage-" Tony began, but didn't know what to say, he just walked over to grab your mythical creature out of Thor's hands.

"I told you, Thor is a mythical creature, so it would be easy for him to locate one himself," Bruce smirked over to Thor.

"(Y/N), you okay?" Tony put the small, furry animal in your lap.

"Tony, just get to work on this as soon as possible." You groaned as you began to pet the creature.

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